Chapter 21: Leo's POV

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Raph and I were walking back to lair. Well Raph was walking and for some reason he was carrying me.

"Raphie, can you please put me down?" I begged for like twenty time, I'm pretty sure my cheeks were as red as his mask.

"You didn't eat a lot of our picnic, Leo. I know you're still having dizzy spells, so I'm carrying you. End of discussion, Princess." Raph said firmly and I didn't want to argue, so I just snuggled into his shoulder.

"Fine." I surrendered and he smirked at me, which made me blush even harder.

"Look at you, acting all embarrassed. Cute." Raph remarked and I whimpered making him laugh, knowing I made him made my smile. I always want him to be happy, I love him so much. Even if he doesn't love me, at least that way. I was lost in my thoughts so much, I didn't notice that we had made it back to the lair.

And then...I heard IT!

"DANNY! WHERE IS MY LEMONADE?!" I forced myself not to groan, No. No! No! No!

"Is that Mona Lisa?" He asked and he gently put me down before stomping into the lair as I followed close behind him. Who have got to be kidding me?! Why is she here?! I thought Raph and her broke up?!

"I'm almost done!" Donnie responded back from the kitchen I believe and I saw an annoyed Mona Lisa in the living room.

"WELL HURRY IT UP!" Donnie ran into the room with a glass of lemonade and he held it out to the Bit-I mean Mo-oh who am I kidding? That salamanderian Bitch named Mona.

"It's about time, my throat feels like a desert." She snatched from Donnie and took a sip, she gagged. "This taste like shit. What did you put in it, poison?"

"No." Donnie said, mumbling something among lines 'I wished I did', so do I, and she gave it back to him.

"God, are you that terrible of cook? No wonder you're with that short dumbass, at least his stuff doesn't taste like the bottom of a shoe." Donnie groaned in annoyance. "When is Raphael coming back? My patience is wearing thin."

"I told you, he's not here."

"I'm here." Raph said as we walked up to them and Mona got off the couch.

"Finally! Raphael!" She exclaimed as she ran up to him hugging him while I went over to Donnie.

"What is she doing here?" I whispered to Donnie as he glared at them.

"How the hell should I know?! Once I heard they broke up, I thought that was the last of this damn bitch! I was this close to putting acid in this drink, this close!" He whispered angrily to me and we turned our attention to Mona and Raph, who just stood there with a scowl on his face before finally pushing her off.

"Mona, what are you doing here?" He asked and Mona pouted as if she was some angelic saint, fucking devil.

"Well you wouldn't answer my calls and reply to my texts, so I came to the lair. But Denzel said you were out with ..." she gestured with a glare at me. "With him, so I had to wait for you." Raph raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"So what do you want?"

"I want..." She got interrupted.

"Oh man that was a good..." Mikey started as he walked into the lair and then he spotted Mona. "Oh hell no!" He ran up to us. "Why the fuck is she here?" Donnie rolled his eyes.

"She was about tell us so she could finally leave then you interrupted her, so how about you shut up so we can find out?" Donnie sassed and Mikey glared at him.

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