Chapter 26: Donnie's POV

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I smiled as I continued the finishing touches for Mikey and I's surprise anniversary celebration. Well a surprise for Mikey anyway, I frowned. I know I said to Leo and Raph that I was fine with him not remembering our anniversary, but it would have be nice if he did.

I shook my head, I shouldn't think about that. After all, we're not fighting anymore and we're in a good place now. "Plus, we have something else to worry about." I said happily to myself as I gently laid a hand on my stomach.

Yeah, I'm expecting. The week after Mikey and I reconciled, I started getting sick and it was only in the morning. I thought that maybe it was stomach bug or the flu since it is the time of year for it. But then I did something that no one had ever expected, I ate a slice of Mikey's leftover jellybean, anchovy, and jalapeño pizza a few nights ago.

That was the tipoff, I grabbed a human watch and went to buy few pregnancy tests. And they were all positive. I'll be honest, I sobbed as soon as I saw they weren't negative. It wasn't because I wasn't happy about being pregnant, it just I don't know if we're ready for this. We spent the last few months screaming at each other and being distant, being a child into that is...well insane.

But maybe it could bring us closer and better than we were. "It just depends on how he reacts to the news." I said to myself as I finished spreading the comforter on our bed for the night. Mikey and I got together on Christmas Eve and because we're throwing a Christmas party tomorrow, I wanted us to spend alone time together tonight.

"Okay, time to go over my checklist." I picked up my T-phone and opened my checklist. "Bed, just finished so check." I tapped it check box. "Vanilla and Strawberry Cake, check." Tapped its check box. "Sparking Apple Cider, check."

Okay so I know what you're thinking. If I have Sparking Cider instead of a wine or Champagne then Mikey would know that something is wrong. Well lucky for me, we don't drink. I don't mind a little wine glass now and then, but Mikey hates the taste of Alcohol. He can't stand it, he says it's like drinking poison. We usually just drink water or soda when we go on dates, anything but alcohol so I'm in the clear.

I tapped its check box. "And Mikey said he'll bring the pizza when he gets back from hanging with Mondo and Leatherhead." So I have about half an hour left before he gets here because we planned for our date to start at 8. An hour and half to go before I have to tell him he's gonna be a father. "It'll be okay, we'll be okay." I nodded determinedly because that's what I want but for some reason, I have really bad feeling. Like something bad is going to happen.

I shook my head, I shouldn't be thinking that. "You're fine. Honestly, I will need to stop stressing myself out." I scolded myself as I sat at the table I set up.

" I scolded myself as I sat at the table I set up

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(Ignore the food)

"I just need to sit down and relax as I wait for Mikey." I tell myself.


I frowned as I checked my T-phone, 8:30. "He's thirty minutes late. Where is he?" I grabbed my T-phone and called him, frowning as it instantaneously went to voicemail. That means either his phone is off or it's dead. I groaned, it better be the latter or so help me.

I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer. I sighed before getting up to start pacing. "Where could he be? I know I told him we had a date today, I even reminded him this morning."


I woke up in Mikey's arms with my head on his chest. I would have snuggled into him more if it wasn't for the familiar feeling of bile coming up my throat. I gagged as quietly as I could before carefully slipping out of his grip and quickly making my way toward the bathroom. I shut the door and turned on the sink, so no one could hear me, and I retched into the toilet.

"I hate morning sickness." I commented before heaving the rest of last night dinner.

After a few minutes, I jerked as I heard a knock on the door. "Dee, baby you in there?" I heard Mikey say.

"Just a second." I called out as I flushed the toilet and quickly washed my hands before opening the door, seeing Mikey. "Good morning babe." I said to him with a smile, but he frowned and that made me frown. "Why are you looking me like that?"

"Donnie, is everything okay?" He asked me and it almost made me gulped, but I kept my composure.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"This is third time this week that I've found you not in my arms but in the bathroom and you won't kiss me until you've brush your teeth." I crossed my arms.

"I don't want to kiss you with morning breath."

"Yeah, but you never have morning breath. I know we just get back to talking from our fight, but i know you and your habits." Mikey, despite not being the brightest as much as I love him, he has photographic memory. He might be forgetful at times, but he always remembers the important things. "Something is going on with you." I sighed and he gently caressed my arm. "Dee, come on."

I nodded. "Okay, I've been a little sick the past few days." Mikey furrowed his eyes at me.


"I'm fine, it's just a little stomach bug. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to worry." He grabbed my hands.

"And how am I supposed to not do that when you don't tell me anything?" I pouted, my cute pout, which made him kiss my cheek. "Just if you get sick again, tell me so I can be there." I nodded and nudged his neck with my nose, something we do when we can't kiss.

"I will." He smiled and nudged my neck, making me giggle.

"Go brush your teeth, I want to kiss you before I head over to Mondo and Rocksteady's." I nodded.

"Roger, just make sure you're not late for our date tonight." He smiled and he kissed my hands.

"I won't I promise." He said before letting go of my hands to go make breakfast.

"Remember, 8 at our spot!"

"I got it Babe!"


"'Got it' my ass." I muttered under my breath and I laid down on the bed. "Where are you?" I sighed, I should just call again. I stood up to get my T-phone because I left it on the table and after I took one step toward it, a stabbing pain hit my abdomen which knocked me to my knees.

I took a sharp breath, but it seemed to worsen the pain and I doubled over. With each passing second, the pain increased and it brought tears to eyes. Then my eyes widened as I realized there's a trickling down the back thighs. "!" I reached behind me to touch whatever is it, just hoping it wasn't what I most feared.

I was horrified to see my hand...covered in blood. I shook my head in disbelief, but I knew what was happening. Despite the pain, I got to my feet which my stomach hunched against my folded arms. If this is happening, I can't let Mikey see it. He can't know. I looked where I laid on the floor and saw no blood so, I quickly went over to the bathroom. Luckily, I had hooked up a shower and toilet when we found this place.

I turn on the shower and sit down on the tile directly under the water, letting the blood wash away. Soon enough, tears ran along the water  that fell down my cheeks. Tears turning into sobs. And sobs turning into screams as my fists collide with the tile of shower floor and walls.

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