Chapter 11

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Raph and I are sitting together in the living room, I was looking down at my hands while Raph was getting annoyed with the fact I wouldn't eat anything.

"Look Leo, I didn't cancel my date with my girlfriend only to have dinner with you and for you not to eat anything." Raph said and I nodded before he sighed as he picked up a slice pizza from the box. "Even if I have to force feed you, you're going to eat something. So close your eyes and open your mouth." I did what I was told and I felt some pizza on lips, I took a bite. It wasn't until third bite that I opened my eyes, only to almost choke on the shallow of pizza in my mouth. Raph was holding the slice with his mouth and I could tell he was smirking at me. Then he gestured for me to continue and I gulped before shyly taking another bite, two more bites and I'll be done. I close my eyes and I go to take another bite when lips were pressed against mine. I quickly opened my eyes and I saw Raph pull his lips away while he smirked at me.

"Raph, what...what are you doing?" I asked and He smirked evilly at me before grabbing my wrist as he pinned me the couch.

"I think it's obvious, I want to continue what happened that night I was drunk. I remember everything, especially when you knocked me out so I think I should punish you." Raph whispered in my ear, my breath hitched as he started kissing on my neck and I moaned while he kissed down all the way to my...

Ok for those who didn't realize it yet, that was obviously not real. Here's why. 1: Raphael still doesn't remember that night. 2: Raphael is straight and 3: He never would cancel a date with Mona. Unfortunately for me...

"Wow! So Leo, you can't eat like a normal person?" Mona asked and I mentally groaned while Raph laughed, yeah that's right. Raph brought me to his date, to be honest I wished he'd just ditch me and ask me to lie for him. I cleared my throat and smiled, it was fake of course.

"Yes I can, I just wasn't hungry is all." I said and I picked up a slice of pizza, my fourth slice but who cares. I stress eat, sue me!

"Jeez slow down fearless, I only got two boxes." Raph said as he ate his third slice of pizza and Mona smile, her bitch smile.

"Well I don't see why you need nutrition schedule, isn't that your tenth slice porky? You might want to lay back on the food, you're going to get fat. Well fatter." Mona said while Raph snickered as I fake laughed along and I really, really wanted to take my katana and shove it right up her....easy Leonardo. I nodded and I stood up from blanket on the rooftop, I'm getting sick of her.

"Raph, can I go now?" I asked and Raph shrugged.

"I don't know and I really don't care." Raph said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes, have fun on the rest of your date." I said and quickly got out of there, man I hate her. Calling me fat, I'm NOT fat! I'm not! I don't know when I got to the lair, but I walked through the turnstiles, finding Donnie and Mikey on the couch.

"Hey Leo!" Donnie said as he noticed me and I waved. "How was dinner, where's Raph?" He asked.

"Where do you think, with Bitch Lisa." I snarled and I rolled my eyes, just thinking about those two together makes me want to puke. Donnie groaned in annoyance.

"He took you on the date with Mona?" Donnie said and Mikey swallowed the popcorn his mouth.

"That's just wrong dude." Mikey said and I shrugged.

"Well, according to Raph, he doesn't care so I don't. Donnie, I ate four slices of pizza. I have all my nutrients for the day, so I'm going to bed." I said and they gave me their goodnights as I close my bedroom door. I stretched and and out of my shell, changing into my night shirt which is just some oversized blue shirt. And I look in the mirror.

"Am I really that fat?" I asked myself and I look into the mirror, I looked at myself. Sure my thighs touched, had chubby cheeks and my stomach was little flabby to where I could pinch it, but I wasn't fat. Was I? I shook my head. "I'll just ask Dee, he's always honest." I said and I opened my door, I heard them laughing.

"Do you really think he's a fatass?" I heard Mikey ask and Donnie laughed.

"Oh please, look at him Mikey. If you ask me, I'm surprised he can still even eat. Leo Is Fat." Donnie said  before continuing to laugh along with Mikey and I gasped before closing my door quickly, Donnie said I was fat. Donnie's is always honest. But I never thought my own best friend would think of me as a fatass. I looked but in the mirror and tears came to my eyes.

Narrator's POV

In the mirror, as round as a jelly filled Donut stood Leonardo. In his mind, Leo looked as big as a house and he started to cry.

"I Am Fat." Leo said as he stared at himself and flipped over the mirror, so it was upside and the back was facing him. Leo collapsed on the bed and cried his arms, then it came to him. Well Models do it and with his fingers, it wouldn't be that hard? Leo sniffed as he dried his tears and grabbed the trashcan, he took a deep breath. *heart pound* Raised his finger to his mouth. *heart pound* Stuck it in. *heart pound* Push it up to the back of his throat. *heart pound* Nothing happened, he pushed harder. *heart pound* He gagged as he felt the food came up his throat and he threw up into the trashcan, emptying his stomach of the four slices of pizza. Leo panted heavily before smiling at the light feeling in his stomach and he crawled into his bed, falling asleep.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED (and NEVER, EVER do anything like that for your body. It doesn't help, only hurts and kills)

Mikey and Donnie were sitting in the living room watching one of their favorite reality shows: Dogs and Cats in the fancy lifestyle.

"As you can see, Leonliten the third (Leo) Harper Smith is a full breed Persian cat with beautiful diamond crusted gold leather collar. The jacket is worth over three million dollars." The host said as the cat wobbled down the red carpet and the two younger turtles laughed.

"Are you kidding me?! Who cares about the jacket, that cat looks like it's about to have a heart attack." Mikey laughed and Donnie gasped before smiling giddily at the scene.

"Oh my god, it's gorging on a whole turkey! Save something for breakfast tomorrow, fatass!" Donnie laughed and Mikey laughed.

"Do you really think he's a fatass?" Mikey asked and Donnie laughed.

"Oh please, look at him Mikey. If you ask me, I'm surprised that he can still even eat. Leo Is Fat." Donnie said and he quickly turned his head when he heard something, like a door closing. "Mikey, did you hear something?" Donnie asked and Mikey shrugged.

"Just your imagination, babe." Mikey said and Donnie raised an eyebrow, he couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong.

"Maybe it was Leonardo, I should check up on him. Mona probably said something to him." Donnie said as he got the couch, only for Mikey to grab his arm.

"Dee wait, the cat's starting to eat an entire cake!" Donnie eyes widened as he sat back down, finding the obese cat eat his cake.

"That cat is going to die if he keeps eating like that." Donnie commented and the cat fell over unconscious. "See! That's what you get for overeating, which I do wish you would stop yourself Mikey." Donnie complained and Mikey groaned.

"How did this turn on me?" Donnie frowned.

"I'm just saying, it wouldn't kill you to stop after four slices of pizza instead of eating two boxes. Both literally and figuratively. I don't want to think about you having a heart attack when you're only sixteen." Donnie kissed his cheek and rested head on Mikey's lap. "Don't worry me so much." Mikey nodded and pecked Donnie's lips.

"I promise, I'll try to stop overeating. Ok?" Donnie nodded and tried to sit back up, only to be pulled into Mikey's lap. "I don't think so." Mikey remarked and started attacking Donnie's neck with kisses, Donnie's face was hard red.

"~Michelangelo~, we have to training tomorrow morning."

"You're the one that put your head in my lap, you know that's one of my turn ons."

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