Chapter 24

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I woke up to a view of Leo's ceiling with a bit of weight on my chest. I looked down and my eyes softened as I saw Leo sleeping there, he looked so cute. Yeah I know what I said, I said that Leo is cute and he is.

I smiled down at him and wrap my around his waist, pulling him closer. My heart starting to pound as he snuggled more into me, I started to panic a little. I didn't want to feel it, the beating of my own heart. I frowned, this isn't the first time I've felt like this. I started to get these weird feelings every time I'm around Leo and, as much as uncomfortable it is, I like it. I like that feeling I get around Leo. I like being around Leo. I think...I like Leo. My eyes widened from the shock.

"Oh shit." I accidentally slipped out and I smacked a hand over my mouth as Leo started to stirring, my heart pounding even faster.

I LIKE LEO! When the fuck did that happen?! Oh man, this is bad! This is so bad! I can't like Leo! I mean I know that I thought about liking Leo, I just didn't think I would actually end up liking him!!!

What am I gonna do? Am I even allowed to do this? Leo might not be my blood brother, but he's my brother and I haven't been his for long time. We just starting to get that, am I really about to ruin that because of some crush? He looked so happy about getting his brother back and he freaked out so much after that accidental kiss, I can't do that to him.

Plus it's just a crush, I'll get over it right?


Leo groaned in discomfort, a bit cold from the missing warmth that came from a certain red masked terrapin. He opened his eyes and realized that he was in his room alone.

"Where is he?" Leo asked out loud before slowly getting out of bed and walking out of his room, the aroma of blueberry pancakes meeting his nose. Leo hummed in delight at the smell and followed his nose to the kitchen, where Raph was making breakfast. "Raph?" Leo flinched as Raph jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Oh hey, morning you slept well?" Raph asked in a stammer, which he cursed himself for and made Leo a little suspicious.

"Uh yeah, you?"

"Great." Raph answered as he, frantically, continued making pancakes. "I'm glad you slept good. Give me a sec, I'm almost done with breakfast." Leo nodded, but he was still suspicious and he walked over to the red masked turtle.

"Raphie, are you okay?" Leo asked gently, trying not to provoke the turtle, as he touched Raph's arm, which sent a shock throughout his body and made his heart race.

"Never better! I mean, I'm fine Leo." Raph stuttered and Leo frowned.

"You sure?" Raph turned to look at Leo and he grinned as he saw the leaf green skinned turtle's concerned face.

"I'm sure Leo. Go sit down, I'm finishing the last pancake now." Leo sighed, but nodded as he went to table and sat down.

"What made you decide to make blueberry pancakes?" Leo asked and Raph shrugged nonchalantly, as if he didn't make the pancakes for the purpose of seeing Leo smile.

"Just felt like it." Raph said as he walked over to Leo with the pancakes in hand and set them on the table. The two turtles' heads spring up as they watched a happy Mikey walk in with a even happier Donnie in his arms bridestyle.

"I told you didn't need to carry me, I would have been fine." Donnie said.

"You sure with your legs shaking like that?" Mikey teased.

"Michael~" Donnie whined and Mikey laughed, making Donnie smile and kiss his cheek before turning to Leo and Raph. "Good morning guys."

"Morning, you two seem done lunging at each other's throats." Raph commented while he sat down as Mikey helped Donnie into a chair.

"That's because Donnie's throat was preoccupied with an 8 inch." Mikey remarked.

"Michael!" Donnie yelled as he became flushed with embarrassment while Leo blushed with secondhand embarrassment and Raph gagged.

"Gross, I did not need to know that." Raph said and shuddered in disgust while Mikey smirked, Donnie shook his head.

"What am I going to do with you?" Donnie asked and Mikey shrugged playfully before pecking at Donnie's neck, making the tall terrapin laugh. "Mikey, stop it! Haha!" Mikey stopped and Donnie pecked his lips. "Mikey, remember what we talked about?" Donnie reminded and Mikey sighed yet nodded, turning to Leo and Raph who were making their plates.

"Leo, Raph." Mikey started, making Leo look at him along with Raph. "I..I wanted to apologize. I should have been a better brother to you. I'm sorry, especially to you Raph. It wasn't completely your fault for Leo's condition and I shouldn't been so mad at you." Leo smiled.

"It's okay Mikey, right Raph?" Leo said and looked at Raph, who scoffed before cracking a smile himself.

"Yeah, it's okay Mike. And to be honest, you were right about Mona. She's awful. Actually she's worse than awful."

"Yeah, she always was." Leo and Donnie agreed simultaneously and they covered their mouth as they realized that they said that out loud, Raph blinked in shock.

"Wait, you all hated Mona before she cheated on me again?" Raph asked, Leo and Donnie looked at each other before nodding at Raph.

"Yeah pretty much. Even Master Splinter didn't like her." Donnie said and Raph laughed.

"God I dodge a bullet." Donnie shrugged as while he and Mikey made their plates.

"More like a nuclear nuke, but to each their own." Donnie joked and Mikey laughed, kissing Donnie's cheek while Leo held back a giggle.

"Well Jeez. But you who cares, I'm just glad you and Mikey won't be fighting anymore. Speaking of which, do you mind keeping it down? Some of us like to sleep." Raph remarked, making Mikey and Donnie smile sheepishly.

"Sorry, we got a little carried away." Mikey said and Donnie nodded in agreement.

"Carried away is understatement, Michelangelo." Splinter said as he walked in for a cheesesicle. "Last night's rekindle was rather loud. Please have consideration for those that live with you." Raph and Leo snickered at the horrified expressions on their little brothers' faces.

"Yes Master Splinter." They said shamefully and Splinter nodded as he walked out while the turtles went back to eating their breakfast.


"Okay, Raph cooked so I have dishes." Mikey said as he got of his chair and he looked lovingly at Donnie. "Deebaby, you done?" He asked, making Donnie smile.

"I'm done Micheal." Donnie answered and he grinned as Mikey kissed his cheek before picking up Donnie's plate.


"Yeah, I'm done." Mikey put up his plate, Leo remained silent and Raph noticed. "Leo, you done?" He asked and Leo blushed red a little as he refused to meet Raph's gaze, making the emerald turtle frown. "Leo?"

"Can..can I have another pancake?" Leo asked quietly yet loud enough for his brothers to hear him and to put them in shock, they couldn't believe their ears. Leo asked for seconds, a month ago they couldn't even get him to eat a half a pancake. Mikey's eyes widened, Donnie cupped his mouth while he teared up, Raph fought back a tear as he smiled.

"Yeah, of course Princess." Raph said and put another pancake on Leo's plate happily, Leo smiled with flustered cheeks.

"Thank you." Leo whispered before happily eating his pancake.

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