Chapter 6

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Leo's POV

It was about three o'clock in the morning, I was waiting for Raph to come back. I'm leader so it's my responsibility for my team to be safe, even if one of them hates my guts. I heard the turnstiles and I saw him stumble into the lair.

"Hey fearless." He said in a drunken slur and a smirk as I sighed.

"Raph, you're late. Seven hours late to be exact." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up Splinter Junior, a little alcohol never killed nobody."

"Actually it's killed several people, Let's just get you you to bed." I grabbed his side and we became our journey up the stairs. I said journey because it took twenty minutes to get up there because Raph was being more difficult than usual. We finally reached his room and I dropped him onto his bed, he groaned as I bended over to catch my breath. "I'll see you in the morning." I turned around to walk away, but then Raph grabbed my wrist.

"Where ya think you're going fearless?" I rolled my eyes and tried to snatch my wrist back, but he wouldn't budge.

"Raph let go of me." I yelped in surprise when he pulled me onto the bed and got on top of me.

"You know, you really piss me the hell off, who the hell do you think you are?" I winced as his grip on my wrists got tighter.

"Raph stop it, that hurts!" He chuckled evilly as I whimpered.

"You're in my room Fearless, I'm leader of this world." I gasped as he kissed me and I tried to push him off me, but I failed. He licked my bottom for an entrance and I gasped as he rubbed my thigh, opening my mouth giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue. I moaned as it explored my mouth and I hoped this wasn't a dream. Luckily for me, it wasn't. He moved from my lips as started to kiss down my face to neck and I whimpered in pleasure while he nippled and bit head on my neck. I heard him chuckle against my skin and he looked up at me as I gulped at the dangerous look in his eyes.

"Raph?" I questioned and I gasped as he touched my penis. Immediately I freaked out and I knocked him away from me, which ended with him onto the floor as he passed out. I ran as fast as I could to my room and locked the door, I was afraid he would come back. It was only a few minutes later when I realized what I just did. "I made out Raphael." I said out and I checked the mirror, I was breathless. "And he gave me a hickey?" I thought it was a hickey,

But Hickeys don't bleed. I started freaking out even more, this was marking. I know it was, because Mikey gave Donnie one. Once this bite heals, It'll scar. How the hell am I supposed to cover this up? I walked to the bathroom and started cleaning the blood off, making the bite mark even more visible. It was bad, I started to panic. If Everyone sees this, they'd started asking questions. If Splinter sees this, he'll want to know what happened. I had to cover it, so I started rummaging through the closet and found some bandages and some green paint. I think Mikey must have left it in here when he was painting. I smiled when it looked closely at it, it was just my skin tone. First I bandage the bite, then I covered it. Hopefully, no one would notice it.

Raph's POV

I woke up with the worst headache in the world, I must gotten wasted with Casey. I gagged at the taste in my mouth and I ran to the bathroom, vomiting into the toliet. Man that was disgusting.

"Maybe I need to stop drinking." I said before vomiting againing. I groaned as I stood up and walked out to the kitchen, finding Leo cooking breakfast. "Morning Fear..." He jumped and the eggs he was cooking became on the ceiling. "Less?"

"G-good m-morning." He said fidgeting as he began to cook more eggs and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you ok?" He nodded fearfully and I groaned in annoyance as I began to reading my comic book, what's up his ass?

"Hey Raph?" I hummed in response not looking up, the light was making me nauseous again. "Did you have any weird dreams last night?" I did actually, but it was about this girl. She was moaning my name and I found it quite sexy, then after that everything went back.

"You know, I actually did. Why you ask?" As soon as I asked that, he went tense.

"Because, I-I happened to be your d-door last night and I heard some weird noises so I was worried." I laughed.

"Well I'm fine, so need to worry." He nodded with a smile and I groaned uncomfortably, why didn't that smile make me feel so good? I shook my head as Mikey and Donnie came in and Leo set down the food.

"Morning guys."

"Good morning." Donnie said as Mikey frowned and Donnie nudge him.

"Ohayō (Morning)." Mikey said and my eyes widened along with Leo, did Mikey just speak Japanese?

"Mikey, did you just say Ohayō?" Leo asked and he nodded. "And you know what that mean right?" Mikey nodded.

"Hai, Onii-chan (Yes, big brother). Donnie ga oshiete kuremashita (Donnie has been teaching me)." Donnie nodded and I nodded in understanding.

"Yep, I challenge him for the whole day to speak Japanese. He can even use the Japanese Dictionary." Donnie said and I shook my head.

"Well Good luck with that Mike, any way we still up for...what you call it Abstract Painting?"

"He can't, he wanted to but he still can't find his green paint." We heard glass break and I see Leo frozen as he looked down at Donnie's favorite Coffee mug. "Leo! That mug cost me fifty bucks!"

Leo's POV

"Sorry, I spaced out. Don't worry Don, I'll pay you back." I said and Raph looked at me intensely as I started sweating.

"Are you sure you're alright Fearless?" Raph asked me and I nodded vigorously.

"I'm right as rain, I'll be in the dojo." I ran out before anyone could protest. I needed to hide that paint where Mikey couldn't find it, I needed it to cover my mark. If they found it, it would chaos. Oh how could my life get any worse?!

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