Author's Note

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Hey! Agent_Rozex speaking. This book will be about Ben and his friends trying to defeat a new organization called SOLDATS, and yes, I made that up. They are doing a little world domination thing which is called Operation Domination. Here are the character ages: Right now, Ben is 15 and is a fourth year. Erica is 17 and is about to graduate next year. Zoe is also 15 and is a fifth year. Mike is 16 and is a fourth year. Chip is 18 and graduated already. Jawa is 16 and is a fifth year. This story will be told in different POVs as well. I will also add some ships in here (no Zen, sorry). And as a little side note, if you want to get mentioned or shouted out, vote on the book. Really appreciate it if you do! Anyway, that's all for my little note, enjoy the book!

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