SHORT Chapter 28: Good to See You

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LOCATION: Hospital

Main Hall

TIME: 12:11 PM

DATE: Tuesday, July 13th

POV: Agent Benjamin Ripley

"Where is she?" I asked frantically to the nurse.

"Uh, who?" She asked.

"The patient. Erica Hale," I responded.

The nurse looked through her clipboard, "Uh, she is in Room 28. Floor 2, down the hall."

I nodded and went to find an elevator. 

I got in and pressed the number 2 button. Then elevator jerked up, reminding me of how we found the factory.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. I rushed out immediately.

Then I ran down the hall.

"Hey, no running!" A nurse shouted. I ignored her.

I found Room 28 and opened the door. I found Erica laying on the bed.

She had an IV, tubes, and medical equipment hooked up to her.

"Hey, Erica," I greeted her.

She waved and smiled. I waved back.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I have electrical powers," She said jokingly. I smiled.

"Well can you charge my phone?" I joked back.

We laughed a bit.

Then it became silent for a bit. 

" long is it going to be awkward for?" I asked with a smirk.

Erica just shrugged.

I smirked. But it faded as I hesitated to do what I wanted to do. But I went for it. I leaned in and kissed Erica.

I tasted her tongue.

We pulled away and I stroked her hair, "Love you, Erica."

Erica took my hand and held it tight, "Love you too."

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