Chapter 20: Through the Battle

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LOCATION: Conversion Factory

Conversion Machine-833

TIME: 11:53 AM

DATE: Sunday, July 11th

I crashed onto the metal of the machine. Joshua took off his disguise. Warren, Ashley, and Murray came out from behind some pipes. Grins spread on their face. I growled in anger.

"What are you waiting for? Go in, Ben!" Joshua laughed.

I raised my fists, ready to fight.

Murray smiled, "Yeah! Don't be such a chicken, Ben! Go on! Do your mission!"

"Shut up," I muttered.

Joshua walked up to me, picked me up, and pushed my head against the conveyor belt, "Listen here, punk! You really think we're going to help you? Ha! I rather have you converted so that brain can go," Joshua made an impression of a fart.

"Won't that happen to you too? Wait, your brain is already," I mocked making an impression of a fart.

Joshua frowned. Then he shook his head and raised me closer to the conveyor belt. But then I heard a whack!  Then, Joshua fell to the floor.

I fell onto the floor with him. Then I got up and saw four people standing on top of me. And they were Catherine, Cyrus, Alexander, and Erica. They came back.

Catherine helped me to my feet, "Gosh, are you okay Benjamin?"

I nodded. 

Erica walked over to me, "Good, we need to find the core and destroy it. Are you sure you can still do the job? I can do it for you."

I shook my head, "No, you can cover me. I'll do it."

Erica gave me a look of worry, but nodded. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, let's go find this thing," Cyrus said. Alexander looked excited.

I nodded. 

And so, we went to look for the core. Since, the factory was very large, it took us a while to find it. The sound of guns became closer. 

"Stay low," Cyrus instructed.

We did, as a unit of rogue SOLDATS started walking by. They were talking with the "CIA Agents". Or the SPYDER agents. 

It all made sense. SPYDER was working with SOLDATS.

"Can't we take them down, dad?" Alexander asked.

"Fine, but if you end up seeing stars, don't blame me," Cyrus grunted.

We hid behind a conversion machine.

Cyrus counted down from 3 with his fingers. Upon reaching zero, He and Alexander popped up from the machine and attacked the SOLDATS. Erica and Catherine joined in.

I heard a man yell, "We need backup, we need-AH!"

Cyrus took him down. 

"Alright, they're down, let's go," Erica said.

I crept out and stumbled upon a gun (AS VAL). I picked it up, checked the ammo and he chamber.

Erica and the others pulled out their own guns.

"Okay, are we ready to go?" I asked.

"Wait!" A voice said.

I looked back. Mike and Zoe were running up to us with guns in their hands. 

 "You forgot us, we're coming with you too," Mike panted.

"Alright, we're all here, let's go now," Cyrus said. 

And when Cyrus was about to take a turn, bullets started to fire around us. We hit the deck, ducking under the nearest thing for cover.

SOLDATS kept firing their guns.

A bullet chipped the corner of my cover.

I peeked out and tried to see if I had a good shot. I took a deep breath and rolled out of cover. Then, I pulled the trigger of my gun.

My bullets sprayed the SOLDATS. Some went down.

"Come one guys! We can go!" I shouted.

The nodded and popped out of their cover, firing their guns.

"Gang! I saw a map! Core's this way!" Mike shouted.

We followed Mike. 

All of a sudden, a drone appeared. It fired. 

Bullets ricocheting off of metal. We threw ourselves on the floor.

"I-It's too far, though," Mike said. We're on the Western Section of the factory! We won't make it..." He trailed off.

"What?!" Erica yelled.

I looked at what Mike was staring at. And it was a dune buggy with the words SOLDAT'S PROPERTY ONLY FOR TESTING.

 I smiled.

"We can get to the core faster if we use this!" I said.

Alexander beamed, "Yeah!" he got up and opened the driver seat's door. But Cyrus stopped him, "No, I'm driving," He said.

"What?! Dad!" Alexander looked sad and annoyed.

"Get in!" Cyrus yelled, ignoring Alexander babbling.

We complied, finding our seats. I sat in the back so I could shoot any foes. 

Cyrus hardwired the dune buggy and it rumbled to life. Then, he floored it. We ran over through any obstacle. SOLDATS tried to stop us.

A drone appeared and fired at our tail.

"I got this one!" I yelled.

I fired my gun. The bullets made sparks against the drone. It made a whirring sound, but continued to fly and fire.

I fired again, this time, I shot it's propeller, causing it to crash down and create a big explosion.

"Nice!" Zoe exclaimed. 

But then I heard metal scraping and crashing. Then, another dune bugger crashed through. SOLDATS aimed their weapons at us. 

"We got company!" Erica notified. She brought out her gun (MP7) and fired. I threw my gun away. It was out of ammo.

"I need a gun!" I yelled.

"Here!" Catherine threw me the same gun as Erica. I checked the chamber and fired. I ended up popping a tire. The dune buggy swerved and flipped over. The SOLDATS flew out and landed onto the floor.

"Where are we now?" Cyrus asked Mike.

"Uh, let me see," He looked around, "We're around the testing area. So the core should be close now."

Cyrus nodded and went faster. I almost dropped my gun.

A drone and a dune buggy appeared. The drone and SOLDATS fired. Me and Erica took cover. I blindlesly fired my gun, hoping that I hit someone. I ended up shooting the floor. Erica popped up and fired. She took out the drone and two SOLDATS.

I got up and took out the front wheels. The car crashed and exploded.

I breathed out and looked back. In the distance, I saw a blue light.

"There's the core!" I shouted.

Cyrus turned to its direction and floored it. When the core was fully visible, We got out and ran.

"Cover me, I'm going in!" I yelled.

Everybody pulled out their guns and fired. I ran to the core. I climbed on top of it and looked for a way to disable it. But there was nothing. My only choice was to shoot it.

I pulled out my gun and prepared to pull the trigger. But I heard Erica's voice, "Watch out!"

I looked back and saw a drone crash into a dune buggy.

It created a massive explosion. The shockwave blowing me away, and knocking me out.

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