SHORT Chapter 24: Emotions

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Sorry if this chapter is not as good and is really short. I'll try my best to make them longer.

LOCATION: Conversion Factory

Conversion Machine 101

TIME: 1:42 PM

DATE: Sunday, July 11th

POV: Agent Erica Hale

I felt so many different emotions come in as I stared at the machine. Then my eyes switched to Joshua, who was smiling devilishly. I growled at him in anger.

Joshua laughed, "What's the matter? Mad that I brainwashed your boyfriend?" 

I balled my hands into fists and readied my feet to pounce on Joshua. I was so sick of him.

Joshua opened his mouth to trash talk, but I attacked him. I jumped on him and pushed him onto the floor. 

Ashley jumped on me, but I judo flipped her. She groaned. Then Warren attacked me, but I knocked him out easily. Same with Murray.

Everyone else came to my aid. They fought of Joshua and Ashley as I tried to find a way to shut off the machine.

I banged on it and looked desperately for a button or something. But there was none. I gave up and put a hand over my mouth, fighting back tears.

I then turned around when a hand touched my shoulder. It was my mom. She had a sorrowed look on her face.

Everyone else panted from taking Joshua and Ashley down.

"I know, hun," She said, pulling me into a hug. That's when I broke down. The tears spilled out of my eyes.

"He-he can't be g-gone," I stuttered. 

My dad walked up to us and put a hand on my shoulder. 

All of a sudden, I heard a door open. We looked at the source of the sound. It was the conversion machine, and a kid stood there, motionless.

I pulled away from my mom and went to the kid.

"Ben?" I took off his helmet. 

Ben said nothing, he just stood there with his eyes closed. 

I took a step back and put a hand over my mouth, there was nothing I could do now. Ben was converted.

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