Chapter 21: Aftermath

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LOCATION: Conversion Factory

TIME: 12:03 PM

DATE: Sunday, July 11th

POV: Agent Benjamin Ripley

I opened my eyes slowly, but saw darkness. My eyes shot open and I sat up. I thought I was in a coma or something, but I was still in the factory. The lights were just off.

SOLDATS and drones had flashlights, and they were scanning the place. I scurried up and looked around.

"Guys?" whispered.

There was no answer. I felt my heart stop. I almost whimpered. But I gulped it down.

"Guys?" I whispered again. Like before, no answer. Were they knocked out? It was too dark to see them.

I rummaged around to find them. But I couldn't. There were no where to be seen. I was even next to the dune buggy we crashed in.

Did they leave me? No, they couldn't have. I'm their friend.

I noticed a SOLDAT come closer. I hid behind the dune buggy and held in my breath.

The SOLDAT's flashlight made a shadow of the dune buggy. I had no shadow, so I was safe. Soon, the light flashed the other direction.

I breathed out and looked back at the SOLDAT. He started to walk away. I crawled out of the dune buggy and checked to see if my friends were still there. But they weren't there.

"Where are they?" I asked myself.

I heard a drone fly nearby. I ducked for cover. The drone then passed by me. I ran a hand through my hair. Then, I ran away.

I looked for a weapon. But found none. SOLDATS kept surround the place, their flashlight at my tail. 

Right now, I needed to find my friends. 

How long have I been out for?

I shook my thoughts away as a spotlight neared me. I looked around for a disguise. All I found was an MS Subject.

I took off his clothes and put it on me. The spot light saw the the naked MS Subject and it fired bullets at it, not recognizing it. Once, it was done, it moved away.

I took off the clothes and continued to find the exit. But I stopped when I heard a SOLDAT say, "...we need to tell the boss."

I perked up.

I looked over to the SOLDAT. He was walking with another one. I decided to follow them. 

They went pass some destroyed vehicles, then through some rubble. Then then reached a wall. A SOLDAT pressed a certain part of the wall, and it retracted.

A vault door appeared. The SOLDAT pressed a button and said, "This is SOLDAT Agent 45."

The door opened and the SOLDATS walked in. I followed behind them as the door closed shut. 

The SOLDATS walked down a corridor. The stopped at a door. I hid behind a pile of boxes. The SOLDATS walked to the door and unlocked it. I saw a room with SOLDATS and computers. The room was illuminating blue.

The SOLDAT said, alright, tell the boss, while I hit the John. See you," He waved and the other SOLDAT nodded.

Then he started to go to another hallway. I followed behind him.

He unlocked the door and went inside. I rushed in before the door closed and locked.

The SOLDAT was using the urinal. I got ready to knock him out. I raised my fists. Then I grabbed him and threw him into a stall.

"What the-" He got ready to grab his gun, but I punched him out cold. I ended up cracking his mask.

I wore it anyhow. I stole his keycard and headed for the blue-light-room. There was a sign. It said, CONTROL ROOM.

I unlocked it with the keycard and went inside. Then, the door opened and I walked inside. 

Some SOLDATS looked at me for a second, but then they continued on with their day. 

Then, I saw Erica. She was resisting the SOLDATS. But the retained her, dragging her along into a room as she squirmed. 

I felt anger rush through my veins.

I walked over to a SOLDAT and quickly flashed my keycard, "I'm on guard to watch the prisoners," I said.

The SOLDAT nodded and let me through.

I went inside and saw a hallway. I walked through it. 

A bunch of people were being handcuffed. They resisted, cried, and whimpered. I felt bad for them. 

There was a bunch of doors. I checked each one for my friends. Finally, one more room remained. I checked it, but they weren't there. 

I looked at it in confusion. But sighed in defeat. When I walked out, I heard the yelling over Erica, but soon, if became muffled, as if someone was covering her mouth.

I followed it. It led to a wall. One of the retractable ones.

I scanned for the buttons with my hand. When I found it, I pushed it and a door appeared. I swiped my keycard and the door opened. 

Beyond it, was a room full of boxes and lockers. There was also a cell. Where my friends were.

"Hey," I greeted them.

They didn't seem happy.

"What do you want?" Erica asked coldly. She sounded like her usual self. Also, it was muffled a bit. So it took me a while to calculate what she just said.

I frowned, offended that they didn't recognize me. Then I took off my mask.

Their eyes widened.

"Ben...?" Catherine said, muffled. 

I smiled, "Hi, I'm going to get you out," I said.

Then I kneeled in front of the bars, " 'Kay, let's see..."

I looked around, and found a keycard reader. I smiled, "Bingo," I whispered to myself.

"Beh, behi ooh!" Erica shouted. But it was muffled. 

"What?" I stopped in the middle of swiping my card.

Until, I jerked backward onto the floor. I had been pushed. And that was when I realized what Erica said: Behind you.

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