Chapter 19: Suspicious Agents

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LOCATION: Conversion Factory


TIME: 11:23 AM

DATE: Sunday, July 11th

POV: Agent Benjamin Ripley

The agents just stared at the factory. But they cocked their guns and proceeded to walk up to the front doors. The guards aimed their weapons at us but did nothing else.

The agents tranquilized them. They collapsed to the floor. The agents also shot down the drones, making them spin and crash.

Then we neared the doors. The agents gave us a nod. I gave back a thumbs up. Then they raised their guns and fired. Bullets firing every where.

SOLDATS flinched and scurried away, finding cover. I saw a SOLDAT come out with a riot shield, holding a gun (Glock 18 Full Auto).

He fired. We collapsed on the floor, taking cover. Erica tried to look for a gun. Some agents kept firing. One agent grabbed me, "Come on, we need to go!"

"What about my friends?!" I protested.

"They'll take care of themselves!" The agent yelled back, "We need to keep going!"

I looked at my friends helplessly. Then I left them. 

The agent me dragged me along the way. SOLDATS and CIA agents kept fighting. Except it wasn't very big. Which surprised me.

There was something up with this. First, they came way to early, they didn't cause such a ruckus, which would normally happen, then, the fight is small.

I didn't trust these guys, not fully.

The agent kept on walking and walking until I was certain we walked passed the core. We looked lost.

"Uh, where are we going? I think we passed the core," I said.

The agent shook his head, "I know what I'm doing. No questions."

I nodded, but eyed him.

He led me away from the chaos to a conversion machine. He stopped here.

"Why are we here?" We're supposed to disable the core," I reminded.

The agent shook his head again, "No. If we do, it will blow up and create a massive shockwave. So we have to destroy the machine manually. So, go inside and pull the wires," He ushered me to go.

I took a tiny step back. I saw what happened if people were forced inside. I took a deep breath and slowly walked in front of it.

I hesitated.

"What are you waiting for? Go in!" The agent said.

It was at this moment that I realized that this wasn't a CIA agent. It was a SPYDER agent. And his name was Joshua.

But before I could react, I was pushed.

Again, sorry for the short chapter 😑😓

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