Chapter 25: Finish the Job

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The next chapter is about flashbacks, so if you guys mind, can you comment down ideas for any flashbacks with Ben, Erica, Mike, Zoe, you know those people. I will mention you on your flashback.

LOCATION: Conversion Factory

Conversion Machine 101

TIME: 1:51

DATE: Sunday, July 11th

POV: Agent Erica Hale

I shook away every emotion that I've felt. They all just washed away.

I clenched my hand into a fist, feeling anger, the only emotion left, flowing through me. It made go back to the cold, distance person I was before.

"Erica?" My dad got my attention.

I turned around.

"We got to finish the job," He said. His eyes were filled with sadness.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded and walked towards them, my hair covering my eyes. My dad brushed it away.

My grandpa got in the car and started it. I know he usually doesn't feel anything but, I could here a hint of sorrow in his voice, "Alright, everybody, let's go."

My dad patted my back and gave me a gun (UMP-45).

I sat in the back of the car. Once we were all ready, my grandpa hit the gas pedal and we took off.

In the background I could hear a female robotic voice saying, "The facility is under full alert, if the enemies are sighted, please report it."

Since the lights were coming back on a bit, the core was easy to spot now. Its blue light illuminating in the dark spots.

But I looked back. Back at the machine Ben had been brainwashed in.

Am I leaving him now? Is he really gone?

Ben still just stood there. Not moving a muscle. That made me feel sad, angry, and worried. The emotions came back to haunt me. But, again, I shook them away and looked what's ahead of me.

Then, of course, when we got closer to the core, the SOLDATS spotted us.

They sent drones to attack us and units of dune buggies to chase us. I fired my gun at them.

I shot a drone's propeller causing it to crash onto the dune buggies and explode. 

"We're almost at the core!" My grandpa yelled back.

My dad leaned closer to see the core, "Hey, do you see that?" he squinted. So did my grandpa.

Mike and Zoe realized what it was.

 "Guys," Mike said, "Those are SOLDATS. I think we-"

All of a sudden, they started to open fire. We took cover.

Bullets ricocheted off our car. They scratched the metal and destroyed our mirrors. It was impossible to see are shoot when a whole storm of bullets are raining down on you.

We swerved right and left. Then, I felt a bullet pop our tire. Then, we crashed. Flipping over onto a pile of rubble and broken dune buggies.

We groaned and got out of the car. I felt a ringing in my ear.

I rubbed my head. I saw that my grandpa was knocked out.

I squirmed my way through the vehicle. Once I got out, I took cover again. There was drone scanning the area.

"Play dead," I told everyone.

They nodded and did their best acting.

The drone's flashlight shined over the dune buggy. Then it went over to check on us. Once it was satisfied it went back.

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