Chapter 16: Information

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TIME: 3:39 PM

DATE: Saturday, July 10th

POV: Agent Benjamin Ripley
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"Don't worry, they're with me," Catherine said.

"But, why-" The SOLDAT started, but was cut off.

Alexander spoke up, "Allow me to explain, these are new agents. We want them to take photos of critical equipment to see if they know if they're important. So they're with us and so, will you please, let them go."

The SOLDAT gave me a dirty look, but gave me back my phone and said, "Sure fine, whatever."

"Thank you, sir," Catherine said. She gave him a nod.

Then she motioned for us to follow her. She led us outside of the building. Then, she went down the ramp. Once we reached the bottom. she pulled us under the ramp.

Catherine checked if anyone was watching, then turned to us.

"Okay, what do you have, Erica?" She asked.

"Tell us everything," Cyrus said.

"Okay, so, we learned more about Operation Domination. Apparently, they have targets that are being converted into MS Subjects. Here, Ben has some pictures," Erica then grabbed my phone and searched it up.

"Here let me-" I went to type in my password but Erica already knew it. She smiled at me.

"Wait how did you-" Erica cut me off.

"I'm a spy, it's my job to know things," She replied.

"Did you see my password because of the SOLDAT?" I asked suspiciously.

"Pftt! I probably knew it before him. Anyway, here's the photos," She showed the pictures to Cyrus, Alexander, and Catherine.

They inspected every photo.

"So," Erica continued, "SOLDATS are going to use the subjects for their own kind."

Cyrus nodded, "And do you have any evidence that this machine can be destroyed?"

Erica nodded, swiped through more photos, and showed them the photo of the core, "This is the powerhouse, or the core. I believe that, if we destroy it, we can turn off all the conversion machines. Only problem is, multiple guards are patrolling it. So, my plan is, the rest of us fight off the enemies, while one has to find a way to disable it."

We nodded in agreement.

"And also, there's another problem," Cyrus said, "If the rest of us fight, we will attract a crowd. Then we'll be overpowered."

"So, bring in the CIA?" Mike suggested.

"Mhm," Zoe agreed.

Cyrus pursed his lips, "Uh, yeah. We might have to. We're gonna need some backup. So I'll tell them, we need some assistance."

I nodded, "And so when are we going to attack?"

"Tomorrow. Most likely at 0600 hours. It's gonna take a while for units to come in,"

We nodded. Then I heard someone say, "Hey, have you seen these kids?" I looked at their direction and saw a SOLDAT hold up a picture of us.

Catherine noticed this, "Well, they're looking for you. So, you better get back. Bye everyone, thank you for the information."

I nodded, then I crept out of the ramp. My friends following my lead.

I snuck behind some guards, drones, and spotlights. We all made it outside. We went back onto the hill and into the dark alleyway with the lamppost. 

We called in the elevator. When it arrived, we saw two agents inside.

"What the? You-" But she was cut off when Erica knocked her out. I punched the other agent and got some assist from Erica. 

We pushed them out of the elevator, dragged them and hid them behind some trash. Then, we got on the elevator and went up.

After arriving, we met two more agents in front of us, which Erica swiftly took care of. We shoved them back into the elevator and sent them down. 

After that, we walked up the stairs. Erica put a finger to her lips then peeked through the door. She opened it slowly and we walked out.

But someone made us jump, "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

We turned around and found John.

"Oh, hey," I greeted awkwardly.

John seemed suspicious, "The whole academy was looking for you! Where were you?"

I looked at Erica for some support. She shrugged. Then walked up to John.

"John, sorry I have to do this," She said, then she karate chopped his neck, causing him to fall to the floor knocked out.

She dragged him and put him in the employees room. Then she gestured for everyone to follow.

Then she led us to the main hallway, where the principal was at. When he saw us, he rushed towards us.

"Oh my goodness, where were you? I was going to send a search party!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry," Erica said, "We were doing some extra training outside but got lost. Right guys?"

She looked at us expectantly.

We shared looks but nodded.

"Yep, that's right!" Mike chuckled nervously.

The principal looked like he didn't buy it at first, but then he nodded, "Okay, don't do that ever again," Then he turned to everyone else, "They're back everybody!"

Everyone clapped.

I smiled awkwardly then rushed to my room. I closed the door behind me and fell on my bed. I kept thinking about what I saw. The factory, the MS Subjects, the conversion machines, and the core. And most importantly. Where was SPYDER? I did see Murray last time. But that was just him. Where was Ashley, Warren, and Joshua?

I pulled out my phone and looked at the photos again. Seeing the MS Subjects reminded me of the fights. Which reminded me of something else. I tried to recall of it. But couldn't. I just need to think back. 

The fights. When the subjects get shot or stabbed. They bleed. But they bleed a different color of blood. 

Not red. Grey.

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