Chapter 6: Invitation

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LOCATION: Academy of Espionage

Assembly Room

TIME: 12:34 PM

DATE: Saturday, July 3rd

POV: Agent Zoe Zibbell

"Wait, SOLDATS are targeting us?" Ben asked me.

"Yeah, I hacked into their webpage," I replied.

Mike looked surprised, "Wait, I thought it was impossible to hack into it."

I smirked, "Well, I managed to do it."

Mike looked impressed, I blushed, actually. Then I heard a terrible screeching. It was from the microphone. It got our attention. We looked to the speaker, which was The Idiot.

"Um, uh, do I have your attention?" He asked.

A wave of "Yeah" flowed through the crowd. The principal nodded. Then he took out a piece of paper and cleared his throat.

"Okay, uh, the president is inviting everyone from the CIA and Academy of Espionage to a Fourth of July party. Uh, we are leaving tomorrow and...we are going to the White House at 0200 hours. So, uh, get ready, wear your best clothes, and...I-I think that's it," He crumpled the paper.

I heard Erica scoff, "Wow, that was short. What a waste of time."

I agreed.  Then we got up and walked out of the Assembly Room. Everybody complained about this being a waste of time.

I walked to my dorm room and looked for a good shirt, dress, or anything that I would where or a party. I decided to wear a tank top and a pair of black sweat pants. 

I put it into bag and put it on my desk so I could wear it tomorrow. Then, I went outside of my dorm room. I saw Ben and Mike talking.

"What're you guys talking about?" I asked them, interrupting their conversation.

They shut up and turned red.

"What?" I started to get suspicious.

They looked away and blushed even more.

"Uh-uh, n-nothing!" Ben stuttered.

"Seriously, what are you guys talking about?" I asked in a stern voice, "Don't make me beat you up to it."

I smiled jokingly. Ben and Mike still remained as red as a tomato.

"Fine, don't tell anyone," Mike said, "We were talking about...crushes."

I smirked, "Well, who's yours?" I really wanted to know.

"Uh, err. You," He slapped his forehead.

I froze, then I felt my ears heat up and my cheeks turn red.

Then Erica came in, "You guys ready for tomorrow?"

Surprisingly, she was carrying a tank top in her hands, as well as a some shorts with white stripes. Those were most likely the clothes she was going to wear. This was unlike her. I thought  she would've wore her spy suit at the party.

We all nodded that we were ready for the party, forgetting the awkward chat we had. 

She nodded, then she asked something that made Ben freeze in his tracks. 

"So, what were you guys talking about?" She asked.

Ben turned red. He tried to hide it but Erica noticed it.

"Ben, why are you blushing?" She asked suspicious.

"Damnit," Ben cursed under his breath, "Uh, nothing!" He smiled nervously.

Erica was on to him, "I know that, you're hiding something. What were you guys talking about?"

"Crushes," I answered for him. Ben shot me an angered glare.

Erica looked at Ben, "Really? So, who's yours?"

Ben blushed, "What if I said...y-you?"

Erica stayed emotionless. Then I saw a hint of glee in her eyes. Then she took a breath and said, "Okay, well. Um, let's just get ready for tomorrow. Um, see you."

We waved goodbye, and continued on with our day.

Sorry for this chapter being short.

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