Chapter 2: The Man

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LOCATION: Academy of Espionage


TIME: 12:01

DATE: Wednesday, June 30th

POV: Agent Benjamin Ripley

I chewed my food slowly, I was thinking about what happened two days ago. I saw my friends get their food and come over to me. Everyone was here except for Erica. She stayed at a single table alone. I felt bad for her.

"Hey, why you staring at Erica?" Mike said as he snapped his fingers in front of my face, "You like her?"

I shook my head to wake myself up and looked at Mike, "Uh, no! Not at all!" I chuckled nervously. Mike looked skeptical.

"Mhm," Then he said, "You wanna change the subject?"

"Sure," I replied.

Mike took a bite of his pasta, "So, what's on your mind?"

I looked at my food, "The man. From two days ago. I'm still thinking about him."

Mike nodded, "Well, here's one thing, he saved our butts."

"But..." I trailed off.

"But what?" Mike asked.

"He-he just doesn't seem like a normal tourist. I mean, what kind of person wears headphones, a bandana, glasses, and carries a tranquilizer gun?"

Mike pursed his lips, "Good point. So, you think he's some kind of agent? I mean, normal people don't where all of that stuff and carry a tranq. As you claimed."

"Yeah, I mean, I think we should investigate more from this guy," I said.

All of a sudden, a voice spawned in behind us, "You guys want to investigate about the guy?" It was Erica.

I almost spilled my food over the table, "Ah! Oh, Erica. Uh, yeah we-"

"I can put that up with grandpa," Erica said.

"Wait'll help us?" Mike looked hopeful and confused.

"Yes. I find it suspicious that a man dressed to cover his identity would help us. He's not a normal guy. He could be some sort of agent," Erica said, "I got my grandpa working out the scene. He'll come back later with more intel."

"Wait, Cyrus is already working on the case?" I asked.

"Yeah," Erica replied, "So we have to wait until he gets back to do furthermore research on this man."

I nodded and picked up my food. I went over to the trash can and dropped it in. Then I went back to Erica, "Should I let Zoe and the others that we're on an investigation?"

Erica shrugged, "I don't see why not."

I nodded and took off for Zoe's dorm room. When I arrived there, I knocked on her door and called her name.

"Zoe! I need to talk to you," I said. I waited for an answer. Eventually, the door opened and Zoe stood beyond it.

"Hey, what's up?" She said.

"Oh!" I lowered my voice to a whisper, "We're going on an investigation about the man from two days ago."

Zoe smiled, "And you want me to come?"


"Okay! Fine with me."

I nodded, "And also, can you let Chip and Jawa know too?"

She waved in approval, "Yeah sure!"

I nodded and walked away. Then I heard the bell ring and my class get called. We were learning about weaponry, something that I need to improve on. So I decided to pay attention more. 

I sat down on my seat and tried my best to learn what an RPG is.


I was dozing off for a bit until I got a text message. It startled me so much that I practically hit my head on my desk and almost fell off my seat.

My professor looked at me suspiciously, "Is there something wrong, Ripley?"

"Uh, no not at all, sorry," I scratched the back of my head.

My professor nodded and continued to teach as I read my text. It was from Erica:

Get youre butt down here at the idiot's office!

I complied. I raised my hand, "Uh, professor, mind if I go to the restroom?"

The professor groaned, "Okay, make it quick."

I nodded and ran out the door. Then I headed for the principal's office. I ran to the door and opened it. Cyrus, Erica, and Alexander were here as well.

I cleared my throat, "Um, you called me?"

Cyrus nodded, "Okay. Benjamin, remember the man that saved you two days ago?"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Well, it is true that he is an agent. We just don't know what agency he works for," Then Cyrus brought a bag with a tranquillizer gun. I noticed it had a scope on it.

"...Luckily," Cyrus opened the bag and dumped out its contents, "We have this. We could take fingerprints of it, identify who the man is, and find out who he work for."

"Good plan, dad!" Alexander complimented. Cyrus just grumbled.

"Anyway," Cyrus said, "We should go find out who this guy is. So follow me to the interrogation room."

He left the principal's office. We all (including the principal) followed behind him. When we got there, Cyrus dumped the tranquillizer out of the bag, put on some gloves, and grabbed an AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System).

He asked Alexander to get a laptop for him. Alexander obliged. He ran out the door and within two minutes, he was back with the laptop.

Cyrus grabbed it and activated the AFIS. He then put tape on the handle of the tranquillizer and put it on the AFIS. Then, he installed a drive into the laptop and the AFIS turned on. We saw a picture of the finger prints. Then, he clicked on the button IDENTIFY and it started to load.

"Give it a second," Cyrus said.

We waited awhile. Soon the laptop fully loaded and it presented a file of the man.

Cyrus started to read, "Okay, so, his name was Alfred Ormyrid. His age is 26, he is an agent for an agency called SOLDATS. Date of birth, February, 12, 1996. Martial status, none."

Erica piped in, "What I'm worrying about is that he is working for SOLDATS. We need to learn more about them."

"Agreed," Alexander said.

"Don't worry. I'll spy on SOLDATS later," Cyrus said as he closed the laptop, "Well, Benjamin. I assume people are looking for you so you better get back to class. I need to talk with the principal first.

I nodded and took off. I heard the principal complain he doesn't have time to talk. 

I burst open the doors of my classroom. My professor looked suspicious, "Benjamin, what took you so long?"

I sat down on my desk, "Sorry I..." I noticed something out the window. I looked at the object. It turned out to be a man, the man that saved me two days ago, "...I had some stomach problems."

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