Chapter 1: The start

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Picture above is your second form for those who can't see the full picture on the info chapter. (Of course, with three pairs of wings instead of one-) and of course, you can redesign yourself but im just gonna use the pic above for the story.

You pulled your legs closer to you, your back against the wall of a alleyway. You sniffled and wiped the tears that fell, sliding down your cheeks as fresh ones formed in your eyes.

You winced in pain as your wound grazed the edge of your clothes. Your parents were nobles. But they deemed you unfit to inherit anything. A failure. Instead, they decided to give everything to your little sister. ADOPTED. Little sister. They adopted her when you were 4. And from the moment they adopted her, they began to compare you to her.

And whats worse. They killed your best friend. You had to watch as they killed everyone you loved. All the people you had spent your time with were killed right in front of you. you had to watch as they tortured them. you had to watch, as they scream your name. As they screamed for their parents to help them. They even killed their own son. Your brother.

They even cursed you as they bled. "This is all your fault! If i didn't become friends with you, this would have never happened to me!"

You glared at the ground, gripping your arm tightly, your nails cutting into your skin, causing your arm to bleed.

You clenched your teeth, Your blood dripped down your arm and landed on the ground. You let go of your arm and wiped away your tears, now glaring at the wall in front of you.

"Curse you..." You growled as even more tears fell. "You fuckers. How dare you..." you stood up slowly, using the wall to support yourself, you walked out of the alley and into town. It was around midnight, and there was no one outside on the roads.

"Fuck you. How dare you treat me this way. How dare you kill them..."you growled, hatred in your eyes.

"I swear. I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you." You growled as memories of kids and adults alike beat you up over the years of your suffering.

"I'll destroy this place. I'll get my revenge..." You growled unaware of a drunk man staggering towards you.

He glanced at you and reached to grab your arm. Still in your own world, cursing everyone, your anger grew as you felt his disgusting hand grab your arm.

"You bitch. How dare you touch me? I'll slaughter you!" You growled and glared at him.

Without thinking, you grab the bottle in his hands and smashed it on his head.

"You brat!" He yelled as you glared at him. A dark aura seems to surround you.

"I hate you." You said as the man's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head as he fainted, hitting his head on the nearby railing and split his head open on the sharp rock his head landed on.

You stood there tears still dripping. There was a slow clap as you looked up from the now dead drunk.

"Hey, hey! What did you to to him? How do you have that haki?" A goopy man said as he made his way to you , followed by a man with slicked back hair, wearing a suit.

"What the hell are you? Leave me alone you shits. I'll kill you." You growled clutching the shattered glass bottle.

"Hey now. Don't be like that." The man wearing the suit said as you tensed.

"Trebol, shes kind of like Doffy huh." He said to Trebol as he nodded slightly. "Hey, hey. Whats your name?" Trebol asked as you lowered the bottle, dropping it to the ground.

"Y/n." You said as he glanced at you.

"Y/n? No surname?" Your expression immediately grew cold as veins bulged against your forehead.

"No you fuckers. Don't even bother looking for files." You growled as he nodded. "Ne, Ne, do you think Doffy will like her? Senior pink?" He said to the man as you glared at them.

"Hmm. Perhaps." He said as Trebol looked at you.

"Hey, hey. Would you come with us?" he asks as you stare at him "We might be able to help you." He sang as you nodded.

"I'll destroy them all. I'll destroy everything that gets in my way. I'll get my revenge."

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