Chapter 30: Welcome back

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Yet another timeskip to about 1 month later-

You blinked at the map in your hands and paused. 

"Trebol." You said as he walked over to you.

"Turns out, We have something to do before we get doffy back." You said as he glanced at you. "Use the den den mushi to call me if something happened. I have to go by myself." You said as he tilted his head.

"Ne, ne, Where are you going Corazon?" He asks as you grabbed some money before responding.

"Wano. I have something to do." You muttered. Trebol was about to question you, but you were already flying away, making your way to wano.

Timeskip brought to you by a author who had to rewrite this chapter cus I just remembered you had a encounter with kid- 

When you reached Onigashima, you noticed that the guards were all lying on the ground, knocked out cold. 

And as you flew further in, you spotted a bunch of people walking through a mirror looking thing, and their clothes changed into those what kaido's army would wear. And within that group, you spotted a familiar red head. You sighed before making your way down, and landed behind the captain. 

"Eustass captain kid. There you are." You said before he froze and turned to you. The straw hats looks at you in shock before tensing up. And without a word, you summoned your hardened feathers, enough to stop a sword attack. 

"Listen up." You hissed as everyone froze. "I don't care what you are planning. The only reason i came here was for resources. And to think i would be seeing you here is a surprise.  I never thought you would escape." You said turning to kid.

He glared at you as his first mate laughed. "What should we do Kid?' He asks as you paused.

"Did you... Did you perhaps eat a failed Smile fruit?" You ask causing Kid's head to snap to you.

"Mind your own damn business!" He yelled as you sigh. 

"Again. Just listen. The last time i saw you was during my visit to kaido. And I promised myself to do you a favor the next time i see you. I don't have a reason why. So lets get this over with." you said crossing your arms. "What is one thing you wish for?" You ask as he glared at you.

"Hah?! How do we know you're not lying? plus, we don't need anything!" He yelled before turning his back to you.

"Even if i can get your first mate back to normal?" You ask as he froze. Everyone's eyes widened, turning to you.

"I can help him. If you let me do it of course." You said. He didn't trust anyone, and would defiantly refuse your help. But, what we are talking about here is his first mate, and friend. He turned to you and glared at you. 

"Fine. But you make one wrong move, and you're dead. Got it?" He growled as you nodded. You walked over to killer and reached into your pockets and pulled out a vital of green substance. "Drink it."

"Oi! What the hell is that?!" Kid yelled as you ignored him and gave it to killer.

"It's something you need to get the smile effects off." You said as the straw hats looked at you.

"But there's no way to cure someone of-"

"There is." You said making them gasp. 

"Then can't you help everyone at the-" Before they can finish, you cut them off. 

"I can't." You said as they glanced at you. 

"Why not?!"

"There is only one cure that was made, and we were going to use it to make more, but as you can see, i just gave it to killer."

"Give it a few minutes. He should be okay afterwards. But make sure to make him eat this. At least two a day for a week." You said throwing kid a small bottle of pills. "If he doesn't eat it, he won't get better. Again it's because the thing i gave him is incomplete." You said looking around. 

"Listen. Even though Kaido is a ally, i do not have time to help him. So you guys can do whatever you want." You said before jumping into the air, flapping your wings to keep you hovering.

"I didn't help because I pitied you. I'll take my leave." you said before flying off, to find the item you were looking for.


Making your way back to the island, you met up with the other executives.

"Alright. Sugar, you come with me. Trebol, i trust you can take care of the lower floors, yes?" You said as he nodded. You pointed at the lowest floor of Impel down.

"According to what we have gathered, Doffy is here. The upper floors are guarded, but I'm sure their no problem at all. Sugar can touch the guards, and turn them into toys and hold back the ones guarding each floor. The only major problem is the warden. I'm fine, but all of you, are not." You said as you glanced at the executives.

"I'll hold Magellan and buy enough time for some of the soldiers to get the keys and get doffy out. Then we will come back to this island. No one is to die. okay?" You said as they nodded.

"The only problem is the sea stone. That's why we will have the soldiers take the keys. Well if everything is planned, Lets get going."

To be completely honest, the vital you gave him was indeed the cure, but a incomplete one. Doflamingo had Ceaser make something to counter the smile fruit just in case, but he was defeated before it could be finished even though you got him back, he refused to work on it anymore.

Timeskip again cus I'm currently in pain- (Oh god this stuff feels so rushed. Fricking curse me-)

As you reached impel down, you smirked before transforming into you angelic form. Gathering light in your mouth, you shot it at the huge gates. It shot through the gate, and created a hole, The ones inside panicking.

Following the plan, you immediately faced off with the warden of impel down.

"Well if it isn't Y/n l/n. What is your aim here?' he asks as poison oozed out.

You smirked and transformed back into your human form. "I'm here to take doffy back." you said as the executives ran past you, heading down impel down, each taking a floor.

He laughed as you glared at him. "Good luck then." He said before he made a wave of poison come flying to you. Luckily, you were immune. Sucking up the poison, you shot it back at him. Since he was made of poison, it doesn't effect him. This was going to take a while. You covered your arm in haki, and ran towards him in an attempt to attack him. None of the other but you can hold him back. He blocked your attacks by cover irk ng his own arm in haki.

After doing this back and forth for a hour, a few of the executives returned. You sighed in relief. They made it.

"As you can see, this isn't going anywhere." you said as what remains of the gate was sliced into smaller pieces and crumbled to the ground.

"I guess i was right." You heard his familiar voice say as you turned around.

A few of the family's soldiers followed behind doflamingo silently, as Magellan's eyes grew wide.


Soon enough, everyone who you brought with you to impel down returned to the top floor. You were quick to use haki and pushed Magellan away from you.

"Enough. We're leaving. We have who we came for." You hissed before transforming into a large dragon and grabbed the executives with your front talons and your mouth. Doflamingo jumped onto your head, as you made your quick escape before Magellan could shot any poison at you.

You sighed as you flapped your wings harshly, heading back to island.

"You did good Y/n." Doflamingo said as you nodded and tossed the executives into the air before catching them on your back.

"Sorry for the wait. It's my fault." You muttered as he smirked. You quickly neared the island, and landed on the ground as everyone got off you. returning to your human form, you and the executives stood in front of doflamingo, his pink feather coat returned to him.

"Welcome back Doffy."

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