Chapter 17: Tontattas

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You smiled as the Tontattas ran over to you, some jumping on you as you walked to the middle of their workplace and sat down on the ground.

"Hello everyone!" you said cheerfully as they smiled up at you.

"Thank you so much Corazon-sama! We were given more food and the princess can be healed faster now!" they said as you nodded.

"You guys did so good! I hope everyone took breaks too." You said as they shook their heads.

"Just the lunch break is enough for us!" One said as Dellinger sat down besides you.

You glanced down at the Tonta in your hand. "This is my..." You paused. You didn't know what to call him. A friend, or subordinate.

"He's my friend. I've known him since he was a baby." You said glancing at Dellinger, silently teasing him.

His face flushed slightly red as he wined. "Cora-sannnnn!" You laughed and set the Tontattas down and smiled at them.

"You guys did good. I hope we can make things even faster! But don't overwork yourself, and be careful, alright?" You say as they nodded.

They returned to creating SMILE's as Dellinger glanced at you.

"Ne, Y/n-san. Are you close to Kaido?" He asks as you tilted your head.

"Where did you hear that?" you ask as he shrugged.

"There are rumors spreading and almost everyone knows about it by now." He said as you nodded.

"I guess you can say that we get along alright." you said. "Does Kaido know about Doffy giving me the heart seat?" You ask as he shook his head.

"I don't think so." You nodded and stood up.

"I'll leave for now. Later Dellinger." You said and walked out.

You decided to roam around the city a little bit, since there was really nothing much to do.Walking Into the city, the people there waved to you. You paused and glanced at the newspaper in one of the civilians hand.

"Oh. Can I see that?" You ask as he froze before quickly nodding and handed you the paper.

"Worst generations... ME?!" You muttered glancing at the pictures.

Under your name was your bounty. 400 million berries. You sighed handing the paper back to the man. He took it in a hurry and stepped back.

"Bounty rose again. Dang."

Okay big timeskip now cus i can't write enougth for 3 years-

During the past three years, you did a lot of things. Missions for Doflamingo, Smiles to Kaido, Visited Whitebeard and his crew a few times, and did get quite close to them.

So whe you got the news that Ace and whitebeard died, you were pretty sad. But hearing that Blackbeard took the old man's devil fruit powers, you were pissed.

It took all the executives and their army officers to keep you from going to search for Teach and killing him yourself.

You sighed anger in your eyes, still silently cursing at blackbeard.

You stood up and walked outside, glancing at Trebol. "Ne, ne corazon! Where are you going?" He asks as you blinked at him. "I'm going to visit kaido." You said as he nodded.

You once again left dressrosa, and headed to wano.

You flew past the guards and into Onigashima, into the room where kaido stayed.

You smiled at the huge man drinking sake and waved.
"Kaido-San!" you yelled up at him as he looked down. He smirked and put down his drink.

"Why if it isn't y/n. Or should I call you Corazon now? You know, you should have told me you were promoted. What are you up to?" He asks as you look up at him.

"I heard some rumors and came to check it out myself." you said as he laughed. He glared at some guards standing next to you.

"Bring a drink for her." He said and picked up his sake, taking a swig. The guards quickly nodded, afraid of the huge man and took off.

You threw a SMILE fruit at a nearby guard before looking at kaido. "I heard you jumped from a sky island." You said as he huffed and nodded.

"Fell to the island. Found a pirate group and took their captain with me." He said as you looked over to a cell to the left of Kaido's seat. You looked at it and smirked.

"I see you really have caught one of the worst generations. Whoa. He looks so beat up." You said as Kaido hummed. The guard returned with a mug of sake. You chugged the drink and placed the mug down.

"You are part of the worst generation yourself Y/n." He said and smirked, looking down at you. He took another sip of sake as you smiled.

You could feel the red-haired captian stare at you. You smiled and flew up to kaido, chatting away with him.

"Well i'll get going then Kaido-kun." You said as he smirked.

"I'll see you next time y/n l/n." You sighed as you turned back into your chaos dragon form. You headed back to doffy, your mind going back to the red haired captain.

"Eustass 'Captain' Kid huh." You muttered and smirked. "He's not that bad. I might even offer to do him a favor the next time we meet."

(I know this didn't happen so soon in the anime but this has to happen now cus there would be no room for the quick encounter later-)

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