Chapter 19: Punk hazard

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You hummed, staring at your parents and adpopted sister lying on the ground, whimpering in pain.

"Y/n Florance! How dare you beat us to the ground?!" Your father shouted at you as he tried to get up. You smirked and pushed him back on the ground with your feet.

"Florance? My name is Y/n D. L/n. Though I would throw out the D but I'll keep it for now." You hummed as a few feathers appeared around you and pointed themselves at the three on the ground.

You stood back and smirked as your brought a feather to your sister's neck, cutting out a small chunk of her flesh as she screamed in pain.

Glancing at the clock, your frowned. "Looks like I don't have time to play with you." You said as you blew out a small cloud of poison.

"Have fun dying." You hissed as they began to struggle to breathe properly, gripping their necks as you jumped out the window, making your way back to dressrosa.

Lets just say about... a 2 week timeskip.

You frowned and crumbled the newspaper in your hand. "Law..." You growled glaring at the newspaper. "How dare you law... An alliance? You're kidding me." you sighed and blew fire out your mouth, lighting the newspaper on fire and watched it turn to dust.

You paused for a moment before you slammed your fist on your desk, breaking it in half. You sighed and grabbed your den den mushi, calling baby 5. "Hey baby 5. I need you to get a new desk for me. I broke mine again." You said as you heard baby 5's voice.

"You need me?! Of course Y/n-san! I'll order a new desk right away!" "Thanks." You said before hanging up.

You sighed and stood up, walking out your office.

"Doffy! Were you told about-"

"Yes y/n. It'll be fine." He said, cutting you off as you stared at him.

You paused as he grabbed a wine bottle from shelf.

You sighed. "Well, i'm here if you need anything Doffy. Later." you said leaving the room, closing the door behind you.

"Cora-san! You desk have been repaired!" You heard baby 5 yell as you turned to her.

"Are you going somewhere?" You ask as she nodded. "We're going to punk hazard. Something happened." She says as you nodded.

"I'll come along." You said as she nodded. "Let's get going."

As you flew next to buffalo in your dragon form, baby 5 telling you about her fiance with tears in her eyes.

"He killed my sweet fiance by destroying the whole town! I won't forgive him! And this is the eight time!"

You blinked at her as she kept talking.

"He killed eight men that i loved and made a commitment to and destroyed eight towns! Why does he screw up my happiness?!"

"Because the young master loves you-dasuyan!" buffalo said as you nodded, flapping your wings.

"Those men were using you baby 5. Doffy cares for you. So he killed them." You said as she sniffed.

"He loves you like his own sister so he doesn't begrudge destroying a town or two-dasuyan! You have to learn to say No!"

"What was wrong with him? He needed me!" she said as you sighed.

"We need you too baby 5. Not everyone means it when they say that." You replies looking ahead.

"Look. There's punk hazard. Lets get going now." you said as she sniffed again.

You stayed silent as baby 5 aimed her weapon at the island. "Will it go away if i do this?"

"No it won't! Let me take care of it! Could you hop off and wait for me, baby 5?"

"Okay!" She said as you shook your head and shifted into your chaos form.

"There's no need. I need some food anyways." You said as you picked up speed, and got closer to the island. You opened your mouth as the gas began gathering at one place.

And just as baby 5 and buffalo got close, the gas was gone, enough for a safe space for them to land and spot the SAD ship.

"Now let's wait there until Ceasar, Monet, and Vergo come out." baby 5 said as you turned into your hybrid form, you huge wings flapping to keep you in the air.

You followed next to baby 5 as they drew closer.

"What's this noise?"

"It's from there!"

Something suddenly hit the ship, leaving a dust cloud.

"The tanker exploded?!"

You shook your head. "No. it's a enemy." You said pausing as baby 5 looked at it through her weapon.

"It's a human! There! What?! Caesar clown?!"

"What?! Caesar?! What happened!"

You glanced at buffalo as he called Doflamingo with a den den mushi.

"Recover Caesar immediately and come back to Dressrosa!"

"Okay! We'll recover Ceasar-dasuyan! What about Monet and Vergo?"

"There must be a reason. Let's do as he says." baby 5 said as you nodded and made your way to the scientist. 

"Whats that?!" You heard baby 5 yell as a robot looking thing appeared on the deck of the tanker. You grunted as the thing spoke.

"What is that strange bird?"

your eyes widened as you spot the straw hat jolly roger on it's belt. 

"BABY 5! It the straw hats! Enemy!" you shouted as you heard her gasp and fired at the robot. Taking this time, you swooped to the ground and grabbed Ceaser's body, pulling him into the sky with you. You threw him up and turned into your dragon form, catching the scientist in your mouth.

'Law you bastard!'

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