Chapter 20:Dragon

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You flew backwards as baby 5 and buffalo attacks the robot thing.

You couldn't say anything, because of the scientist in your mouth.

You tried keeping calm as the fight went on. You felt Ceaser move in your mouth, you froze, trying to restrain yourself from biting down. Since you were a chaos dragon, you can absorb different types of poison and gases.

You wouldn't want to absorb the scientist in your mouth. You quickly flew away from baby 5 and buffalo before spiting Ceaser out, and grabbing him with your talons.


"Ceaser..." You growled as he jumped. You turned smaller, so just in case someone survives, they won't spot you right away.

You paused. "Ceaser. Where's Monet?" you ask as he blinked at you. You glanced at the heart in his hands and paused.

"You... Ceaser, you know the heart you just stabbed was Monet's, RIGHT?!" You yelled as he froze.


You shook your head glancing back as a dust cloud rose as baby 5 and buffalo was blown back.

"We're out!"


Suddenly, a cart rolled out of the tunnel. "Buffalo!" your eyes widened, your head snapped towards the voice.

"Are you  baby 5?!"

"Law! Are you really going to stand against joker?!" Baby 5 said, looking at him.

"You traitor!"

"Who are they? Are they your friends?" The guy besides him asks as you glared at him, blowing out a small puff of poison. Ceaser flinched in your hands.

"No. they're my enemies!" He said as you paused.

Baby 5 jumped on buffalo and immediately flew towards you.

You silently winced as thunder struck buffalo and baby 5.

You paused as they began falling to the ground. Clicking your tongue, you shifted into a  larger dragon. not just larger. You were slightly smaller then whitebeards ship

you flew towards them, flapping your wings and caught then just as they were falling.

"Woah! Is that a dragon?! Cool!" You heard luffy say as you flew higher in to the sky, circling them before shrinking slightly, now hovering in front of them. Law gasped as he spotted Ceaser in your talons.

"The dragon has Ceaser!" He yelled as they finally noticed the man.

"H-hey dragon-san, can you please give us the guy in your uh... claws, please?" You heard nami say as you narrowed your eyes.

"Huh? Dragon's can't understand human language, right?"

"I refuse."

There was a pause.


You spot law glare at you. "Straw hat luffy, G-5, Trafalgar law, and the children Ceaser was experimenting on for big mom." You said as their eyes widened.

"Who are you?!" Law yelled as you glance at him. 

"I am me." You said as he frowned.

"No matter, you are unwelcomed here." You said turning smaller until you were about the size of a marine ship.

"Leave immediately, and you will not be killed." You said as you started releasing a bit of poison from your mouth.

"We can't leave unless you give us Ceaser!" He shouted as you shook your head.

"If you stay any longer, it will not I who will kill you." You said.

"Doesn't matter! We need to get Ceaser, and the two on your back so our plan doesn't leak!" Law yelled as the straw hat group tensed.

"There's people on my back?" you played dumb as law blinked at you.

"Well, no matter." You said as the robot from before turned to you.

"I'm not giving you people anything." You said as luffy gripped his hat.

"Then we have no choice. Franky!" He yelled as the robot flew towards you. And without blinking an eye, you opened your mouth, and bit it. You swung the lower half of the robot back at the group and spat the metal out of your mouth.

"You better feel lucky, whoever's sitting in there. I didn't feel like eating right now." You hissed as you glance behind you to see someone flying towards the group.

"Fufufufufu~ Look what we have here." You heard Doflamingo say as he landed on your head.

He quickly glanced around before placing his hand on your horns.

"Doflamingo!" Law said as You paused and looked up slightly.

"Young master. You're here." You said as he patted your horns and hummed.

You lowered your head slightly and sighed.
"Doffy. You took a pretty long time. What happened?" you ask as he glanced at law.

"Monet didn't answer." he said as you sighed and held up your talon that held Ceaser in.

"This guy thought her heart was smokers. Law swapped it" You said as he glared at the scientist as he jumped.

"Doflamingo? The guy we're after?" Luffy ask turning to law as his jaw dropped.

"Huh. So you are after Doffy. If so, i should have killed you." You said as everyone turned to you.

"So you're working for him too?!"

you blinked at them before sighing. "Why else would i have caught those two idiots on my back?" You said as buffalo and baby 5 climbed up to your head as well.

"Hey! Don't call us idiots-dasuyan!" He said as you leaned down so they can get down form your head.

Returning to your normal size, which is about 14 feet tall, you sat down watching as Doflamingo began to speak with law and his group.

You took this time to look at law closely. He's changed over the years.

"He's free!"

You froze as his voice rang through your head.
"Resign from your position as warlord." You heard law say as you tensed.

"Doffy. There's someone drawing close to us." You said as law glanced at you, staring into your eyes. You quickly glared at him, and his eyes widened.

"Doffy. It's Aokiji." You said as he hummed before jumping on you. You once again grew in size and spread open your wings and lifting into the air. Baby 5 and buffalo also landed on you as you glared at everyone on the island.

"I'm sure we'll meet again." You hissed and flew away, leaving everyone in shock, and leaving law with his thoughts.

The quick glare that dragon sent me. It was so familiar...

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