Chapter 21: Dressrosa

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You dropped Ceaser onto the palace ground at the sunflower field and landed next to him. Doflamingo, baby 5, and buffalo got off. You transformed back and sighed, glancing at Doflamingo, who was obviously angry, and annoyed.

Law had said something that somehow got to Doflamingo.

"Doffy... What law said, he-"

"Don't worry about it Y/n." He said as he smirked. "I have this covered. It'll be fine." He said as you glanced at him, worried.

"If you say so Doffy." You said and followed behind him.

"Doffy! What the fuck is going on?!" You yelled, bursting outside where the pool was.

Doflamingo simply smirked as you reread the paper. "Are you fucking with me?!" You hissed as he glanced at you.

"It's fine Y/n. Didn't i say i have this covered? Besides, i'm not going to resign just because of some threat." You sighed, rubbing your face.

"Okay... okay." You sighed and began heading back inside.

"Oh. Doffy. About the flare flare fruit-"

"I know you were close to fire fist y/n. But you know what he would do with it, right?" He said as you nodded.

"Then i'll be taking my leave." You muttered and walked away.

Timeskip cus we gotta get to the main even already-

You blinked, looking at the three people sitting at a table of the cafe. You walked closer as the one with his hood over his head spoke.

"I'm worried about the situation of this country. Their king quit all of the sudden. How come they are so calm?" You paused and smirked.

"We're in unexpected circumstances already."
"That's what worries me!" the long nose yelled as you sighed, walking over to them, as they glanced at you.

"Why are you so worried outsiders?" you ask as they tensed up. You pulled your hood down to hide your face, and turned your head towards the one with the black hood. You smirked.

"Ara. Isn't this Trafalgar law?" You ask as he looks up at you quickly. The other three stood up as well.

"You know, It's not a good idea to destroy the SMILE factory." You said as his eyes widened.


"It's not going to work. Kaido would target you instead of Doflamingo."

You said as he stood up. You paused and sighed. "Sit. Down." you hissed as they froze and slowly sat back down slowly.

You pulled a chair to their table and sat down with them.

"Who are you? How do you know of our plans? And my name?" Law said as you smirked.

"It won't work." You said again as law sighed.

"How would you know that?!" Usopp yelled as you shushed him quickly.

"The executives." you said as law glanced at you. "There's one executive who is pretty close to Kaido. You can even call them friends." You said as robin glanced at you.

"The executives?"

"The executives are the highest ranked of the family. The Club, Diamond, and Spade seats." Law said as you glanced at him.

"You forgot one. There's also the heart seat." You said as law's head snapped towards you.

"But there's only three executives. No one has sat in the heart seat in around 13 years." He said as you sighed and shook your head.

"Are you serious? Corazon-sama has been on that seat for about 3 years already." You said and silently smirked as law's eyes widend.

"You didn't know?" You ask as he sat there. The other three turned to you.

"Our king even said that it was held back. It's been rumored that Cora-san is the one who has the best relationship with kaido-san. I heard corazon visited him quite a few times. It's said that they get along so well, Kaido-san never raised his voice at cora-san, and was even careful to try not to hurt her."

You said slightly praising yourself as law glared at you.

"Don't call the current Corazon 'Cora-san' ever again." He hissed as you blinked at him.

"Oh, Sorry. I forgot that was a sore subject for you." You said as he paused. Before he could say anything, you stood up.

"Well, I must get going. Good luck on whatever you are trying to do! no need to pay for the information." You said showing them a small pouch of coins you took from them. They gasped as you quickly walked away from them. You sighed looking at the pouch of berries and smirked.

"I can't wait for you to find out who the current Corazon is. Law."

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