Chapter 24: Sugar

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(extremely short chap cus I'm a bit buy today- total words is 462-)

You paused before your eyes widened.

"SUGAR PASSED OUT!" You almost screamed as you glance at the three presences outside.

"Thee people outside! Violet, straw hat, And kyros!" You yelled, standing up as the one legged man charged in. You grunted and jumped out the window.

"Doffy! I'm going to sugar!" you yelled. Before getting a answer, you were already heading down.

By the time you got there, everything was a mess. You sighed as you spotted pink hair in the back.

Sneaking around, You jumped on top of the pink hair, a dust cloud rising. You blinked at the person pressed below your talons.

"Rebecca." You said and looked up. But before you could glance around you, you felt a hand on your scales. Quickly hardening it, you winced as a few cracked.

the attacker jumped back as you glanced at him.

"Sa-Sabo?" You questioned before slowly getting off  the girl below you and taking a step towards him. His hands were on fire and he panicked, quickly settling it down.

"Huh? Sabo-kun, do you know this uh... Dragon?" The girl next to him ask before blinking.


You sweat dropped before glancing at sabo.

"Wait! Careful! She's a executive!" Rebecca shouted as the people there immediately were on guard.

"Y-you're Ace's brother... Right?" you questioned as sabo relaxed for a quick second.

"Yeah. How do you know Ace? Who are you anyways?"

You huffed and slapped him with one of your wings.

"You stupid bastard." You hissed glaring at him as everyone just stared at you confused.

"Do you know how happy yet sad he sounded when he was talking about you? If only he knew you were alive before he died..." You sighed and took a step back.

"Listen here! Don't think I'm not gonna attack you just because i spoke to you about Ace! I just haven't really forgotten about Ace and..." You paused and sighed.

"Whatever. I'm supposed to be checking on sugar." You quickly disappeared to where sugar was. 

"What... The hell just happened?" Koala muttered

You sighed and wrapped your wing around her and placed her on your back, healing her slowly. You sighed when a small memory emerged in her head. 

"God. No wonder she passed out." You muttered and made your way to the palace.

When you reached the surface, you noticed strings all around the island. You sighed. 

"Did he really resort to using the birdcage?" You hummed and dropped sugar off before you spotted three people at the bottom. You smirked and dove down, landing in front of them as they tensed.

"Hey there. Law. Did you miss me?"

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