Chapter 18: Revenge

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Returning to Dressrosa, you flew around looking for Doflamingo.

"Doffy!" You yelled, flying into him.

"Y/n." He said simply, smirking. You glanced up at him before letting go and dropped to the ground.

"Y/n. What was your reason of joining us?" He asks, suddenly extremely serious. You blinked

"To get revenge... on my parents." You hissed and glared at the ground, memories flowing into your head.

"Any why haven't you done it yet?"


"You have all the power to do so corazon. You're free to do it as well. Did you know what your parents are underworld brokers?" He said as your eyes widened.


He laughed as you stared at him. "Go to high Klad tomorrow y/n." He said as you nodded.

"Please excuse me then." You muttered and retreated back to your room. Once the door shut behind you, you slammed your hand down on your desk, cracking it in half.

You sighed and picked up your den den mushi.

"Hey baby 5" you said as baby 5's voice came from the other side.

"I need a new desk. Please get me one." You said as she replied happily.
"Of course Y/n-san!"

You placed down the transporter snail and climbed into bed. It was quite early, but you were tired, and eventually fell asleep.

Timeskip to next day-

You landed on the ground, your wings disappearing. You sighed looking at the place where you once called home. It still looks the same. Just as you were about to head over to your past home, You were stopped by a familiar voice that you never want to hear again in your life. 

"Y/n?" You silently growled and turned around. 

"Hey there. Did you need something?" You ask as they look over to you and smile. That smile. That stupid fake smile they gave you every time they told you to go do something. Every time they beat you. You glanced at the person next to them and your frown grew deeper. Your adopted sister. 

"Is that how you talk to your parents sis?" She said looking at you up and down. You smirked as you looked at them. 

"Well, I never knew my so-called parents were underworld brokers." You said and smirked. "I wonder. what do you trade?." You said as they glared at you. 

"Young lady, this is not-" You glared at them, cutting them off. 

"This is no place to have this kind of talk don't you think?" You ask as they glance around the crowded streets. "Let's go somewhere less populated. Yes?" 

You smiled and sat down on the expensive couch and swung your leg over the other and crossed your arms, staring at the three sitting in front of you. 

"Now then." you said as they looked at you nervously. "No wonder you got so much money for this kind of shit. You said running your hand over the couch as they glared at you. 

"Y/n. I see you've come back." your father said as you glared at him. 

"Nope. I'm not." you said. "Anyways." you grabbed the sake you have brought and took a sip. "Brokers huh." you ask.

 "How do you know this information? Well not like you can stop us anyways." Your sister said with a smirk. You sighed and glanced at them. 

"Don't you think you're too cocky?" You ask as they look at you. "Joker. You know who he is right?" They scoffed at you. 

"Of course! He's basically the king of the underworld!" They said as you smirked. "And? What other information do you know?" And that's how they ended up spilling every piece of information. You sighed and glanced at the clock. 

"Well then. It seems like my time is up." You said and stood up. Your parents and adopted sister stood up as well, stepping in front of you. 

"Sorry y/n. But you can't leave." Your mother said. "We'll make a lot of money off of you." You smirked. 

"And what makes you think that you can?" You ask as they look at you, confused. 

"We will. You'll make us quite a bit." 

"Of course you will." You said smiling. "After all, who wouldn't want to try to sell one of the Donquixote family executives?" You said as their smiles faltered, and they shook slightly. 

"D-Donquixote?" You smiled. "That's right. Donquixote Doflamingo. Oh and didn't you call him joker?" You ask as they panicked. 

"W-what? Noooo we never said anything about..." You smirked as they looked at you in fear. 

"Well? What are you going to do when you capture me? A family executive, the third corazon. Joker's right hand. Doffy will have your head." You said as your smirk grew wider. They shook their heads quickly. 

"W-wait! Please don't!" They yelled. You glared at them. "And did you 'wait' when I called that word out? Did you stop when you abused me?" You ask as they gasped. "Plus. You spilled out everything about the underworld to me. You didn't know if I was working for the marines or not. What if I did? What would happen to doffy?" You smirked.

"You're going to die anyway. All that precious information you gave." you said as your nails turned into claws. 

"Well then. I'll make you feel the pain you made me feel all those years ago. I'll make you pay for giving out information about Joker." 

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