Chapter 9: Take over

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He tensed. "I've been troubled by hearing about a pirate named Donquixote these days."

"Yes. You were right to be troubled." Doflamingo said flexing his fingers. "I am a descendant of the Donquixote Family that once governed this country." He said and jumped inside. You landed next to doflamingo on the window as he smirked.

"I am the rightful king of this country! And now i'm back!"

The king scoffed lightly. "But you robbed a transport ship of the heavenly tribute of money for the celestial dragons from various countries and became a warlord by blackmailing the world government, i heard."

He said as you folded your wings as your claws disappeared.
you sat on the edge and your feet dangled in front of you.

Doflamingo laughed. "They don't know what to do with me." He said smirking. "They can't handle me because i'm not afraid of the celestial dragons."

He took a few steps towards the man.

"Since you know my status and what I'm capable of, I'm just gonna cut to the chase." He said stretching his hand out.

"I want my country back!" He said as the man's eyes widened. "If you refuse, there's gonna be a bloody mess in Dressrosa."

He gasped as doflamingo laughed letting his hand fall back to his side.

"But I'm not a devil. I know you don't like to fight. So... I'm going to sell you this country for 10 billion berries."

"You're gonna sell this country for money?!" He yelled as you glared at him.

"I can just take it back from you without giving you such an opportunity." He said and turned around, facing the open window.

"If we can avoid a war by paying money, I'd like to do so." He said. "But 10 billion berries is a lot of money! We don't have that much..."

"Yes, you do!" He said cutting him off and paused before looking at him. "Scrape it up from your dear citizens."


"I'm expecting to have it by the break of dawn tomorrow. You can't get aid from other countries. Prove your worth as a king. And you can't tell your citizens about me. You only have two choices. Collect money to avoid a war or fight me and see your citizens bathed in blood."

"Pick the one that you want." He said and jumped out the window. You stayed behind and looked at him, the glare full of hatred remained on your face since you were a kid all those years ago.

"Watch your mouth." you growled flexing your hand as your claws shot out. "Or you might find yourself in pieces."

You glared down at the royal army running around the kingdom collecting the berries needed.

You sighed as you watch one of the strings latch onto the king, Riku. Watching the kingdom burst into flames and blood splattering everywhere, you glanced at doflamingo, who was smirking, controlling more and more people.

"Boy... what kind of king he is! Well, the night has just begun, soldiers. You should dance too!" He said as more strings shot down from the sky.

"Parasite string!"

You watched silently as everyone started to panic, that they can not control their own body.

"Hey,hey! Can we do it already, Doffy?" Trebol wines.

"Idiot. Don't rush." He responded before laughed.
"I have to make the people Trebol with fear more and get them hate kind Riku with all their heart! And then, the heroes will appear!" He said licking his lips.

You weren't really focused on what was going on, and instead stared into the fires, wondering how you would awaken your devil fruit.

"Y/n." You blinked and nodded. It was time to begin.

You quickly flew up and glanced around. Trebol-sama!" You called pointing to a citizen on the ground with some soldiers running towards them, controlled by Doflamingo.

The executives were quick to get into place. They kicked the soldiers back and knocked him down as you transformed your feet into a dragon's. You pushed a soldier's head down and crouched down on his back, landing in front of Trebol.

( cus y'all gotta look like a bad bitch my beautiful children)

You watched silently as everyone surrounding you gasped.
You glared at the knocked out soldiers on the ground.

"Who-who are you people?" The man on the ground asks as Doflamingo laughs.

"We're here to save this country! My name is Donquixote Doflamingo!"

"Th-there pirates!" of of them stuttered and stepped back a bit in shock.


"What is going on? why are the pirates..."

You stayed silent, your usual glare on your face as you looked at the people standing around.

"But they're gonna save us from king Riku's army." One said as Doflamingos smirk grew as he moved the string attached to Riku and brought him to the 5 of you.

The citizens screamed and quickly ran out of the way, but stayed close to watch what was going to happen.

you smirked once he came into view. Tears streaming down his face as he involuntary waved his sword around.

"Here comes a hero!" Doflamingo said. He stood up and jumped down, quickly ran to the crying kings side, saying something to him, before pushing him off his horse, while it was projected by a den den mushi all over the kingdom.

"Trebol! Pica! Diamante! Y/n!" he said as you turned to him.

"now, go and sweep out the trash from the whole country!" He said and held up the dethroned king.

You smirked as cheering started to sound through the kingdom of Dressrosa, Doflamingo's name being repeated.

He laughed. "Follow your doom! Embrace violence!"

you smirked as your wings spread open. Lifting into the air, you looked around. Fires and bodies everywhere. You sighed and opened your mouth, a glowing orb forming.

Gathering everything you can, you shot out a beam of light into the sky. It disappeared before lighting the whole sky up. The three executives all went their own ways, knocking out and killing soldiers left and right.

Hardening your feathers, you shot them out, controlling each and every one of them, they found their targets and lunged them selves into either their backs, or through their head.

You smirked while glaring at the few soldiers still running around.

"The weak never get to chose how they die..."

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