Chapter 7: Confrontation

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you sighed. the crew was currently on the island where the trade for the op-op no mi will be happening.

"Their still breathing... Just barely though." You heard a voice come from the den den mushi baby 5 was holding.

"So, what do you know?" Doflamingo asks as you glanced at the people coming from over the hill.

"Corazon was the navy's spy and he was with the family in order to frame you! Be careful. They must know all of your plans! where are you now Doffy?" Vergo asks as you sighed.

"I was watching the rendezvous spot, swallow island, from a distance earlier and two warships came. Thats when i became convinced." He said. You felt kind of guilty, that you didn't tell him earlier. But you decided that if you speak up now, he would probably kill you.

"My once-lovely, young brother shows me his teeth." He said as you shot a beam of light through the head of a pirate, following slightly behind baby 5 and Doflamingo.

"And it reminded me... that you guys are the only 'family' I got." he said, holding the neck of some nameless pirate.

"Sadly what i thought was true it seems. We just landed at minion island where you guys are." He said as he dropped the pirate he had in his hands.

"But it was a bit too late... We arrived and saw barrels underlings running around saying the devil fruit got stolen. It must be Corazon!" He said. "If he's there, don't let him go anywhere! He has the op-op fruit!" He yelled.

"Tch. Those guys..."

"Oh, did they run?" Doflamingo says. "Well no worries. As long as they're in the town... I won't let them get away." Doflamingo held out his hand as you watched a his strings lift into the air, and burst, the strings falling to the island, forming a cage around the whole island. You sighed as you felt the panic all around the island.

Even more strings fell, and attached themselves onto the bodies of the people there, forcing them to move and attack their comrades.

You stood back and watched Doflamingo cut open the door and quickly. You glared at the two men laying down on the ground. You clicked your tongue and kicked one of them.

"Doflamingo! It was you guys who stole the op-op fruit wasn't it?!" He yelled as a tic mark grew on your head.

"If it were so, i wouldn't have to go through all this!" He said glaring at the man on his knees.

"How dare you let it be stolen, you drunken idiot!" He yelled and grabbed his gun, shooting the man at least 3 times.

You glared at the three bodies and followed Doflamingo out.

You sighed, listening to everyone else talk to each other, looking for Corazon. You glanced at Doflamingo.

"Young master, should i go look for them as well?" You ask as he shook his head. "There's no need to." He said and looked at the gun in his hand as you stared at him.

You froze a you felt a presence. No. Two. Two new people are here. Corazon. And law.

"Young master. Corazon is here." You said as he glanced at you and stood up. You could feel law panic as gunshots rang out.

Following Doflamingo, you spot the executives gathered in one spot, and Corazon on the ground, back against a chest.

"Hey! The young master's here!" You heard them yell as you and Doflamingo drew closer.

You stepped to the side, with the rest of the executives as Doflamingo approached his brother.

"It's been six months. Corazon." He said. He was obviously angry, his veins bulging against his forehead.

You stayed silent, watching Corazon breathe heavily, as the two brother stared each other down.

Corazon reached into his coat as the executives tensed as Doflamingo stopped them from moving.

Corazon pulled out a gun and pointed it at Doflamingo.

"Marine code 01746." He started and cocked his pistol. (Idk is that what he did?)

"Commander Rosinante of the navy headquarters. Donquixote family, captain, Doflamingo.' he said as Doflmaingo looked down at him.

"I have been undercover to prevent a future tragedy of your doing. I am a navy soldier!" He said as Doflamingo grew angrier.

You could feel the shock law felt hearing that. You sighed and blinked at Corazon.

Everyone was silent, as the snow kept falling. Corazon smirked and started banging his head against the chest he had his back to.

"I'm sorry i lied to you." He started. You knew he wasn't apologizing to Doflamingo, or the family. He was apologizing to law.

"I lied because i didn't want you to hate me."

"You fool! Do you think it'll help you to apologize mow?!" Gladius yelled, pointing at him.

"Stop telling those insipid jokes and answer these two questions!" Doflamingo yelled glaring at him.

"Where's the op-op fruit?! Where's law?!"

"The devil fruit..." He paused. "The op-op fruit... I let law eat it! He's a devil fruit user now. He managed to get out of the cage. I bet he's been taken into protective custody by a look-out ship from the navy HQ by now. You can't touch him now!" he said and smirked.


'Why is he going so far to get law away from here?'

Doflamingo grit his teeth as buffalo came back.

"Young master-sama!"

"We heard the navy said on the radio earlier they took a boy under their care!"

"Why didn't you report that sooner?!"

"I rushed here even if i don't look like it-dasuyan!" Buffalo said as baby 5 yelled an apology.

"look into that quickly! I'll undo the birdcage!" Doflamingo yelled as your eyes widened, debating to either tell him that that's not law, or let him undo the cage.

"Prepare to set sail!" He said turning to the executives. "If what he said was true, we'll sink the navy's look-out ship and get law back!"

"Wait!" you yelled as Corazon tensed, and all the executives stopped. "What is it y/n?" Doflamingo asks as you gulped.

"There's two kids on the island." You said as he froze, and Corazon's eyes widened.

"I cannot tell who the kid on the ship is. But I'm 100% sure there two kids." You said as he frowned.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind. But just in case, we'll sink the marine ship." He said as you nodded.

"Why would you wanna go after law?" Corazon asks as Doflamingo smirked.

"Why would i wanna go after law? If he ate the op-op fruit, he needs to be educated in order to die for me!" You froze. it was good you decided to speak up about the two kids. If you didn't he would probably have thought you as a traitor to protect law.

"Boy... You've done tons of unnecessary things!" He said taking out a pistol and pointing it at Corazon.

"Why do you wanna get in my way?! why do i have to kill another member of my biological family?!" He yelled as your eyes widened.

He wasn't lying. Even if it was for a small moment, you sensed his pain, but it quickly was pushed down.

"I know you can't shoot me. You're too much like your father!"

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