Chapter 13: Promotion

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And before long, you were chatting away with Kaido, the Donquixote family members and the animal kingdom soldiers stared at the interaction in shock.

"I have never seen Kaido-sama like this..." One whispered to another guard as he nodded, glancing at the family members gawking at you.

You flew around Kaido in circles, talking about his dream, and your past, making jokes from time to time.

"Yeah! And then his head totally went CRUNCH and it was smashed to bits! His brains flew everywhere!" You said flapping your wings as Kaido finished his sake, slamming the gourd down on the ground, laughing.

"Most of us are pretty new and joined about a month ago. Even so, others have joined 1 and a half year ago, and We have never seen her before, yet she's so close to the young master..." One member said to a nearby guard.

"Huh? You've never seen her before? How is she so close to Doflamingo then?" He ask as the soldier shook his head and shrugged.

"Only few of us have heard about her before when the executives were talking about her, but we have no information."

"How about the ones that has been with the family before you guys?"

"They refuse to tell us anything about her." a family member said to one of Kaido's subordinates.

You landed on the ground and looked up at Kaido. "Well. It seems like it's time for us to leave." You said as he smirked. "You're not bad kaido-kun." you said as he nodded.

"Same to you y/n." he replied as you turned to the members sitting there, watching.

"Well?" you said turning to them, raising you eyebrow at them. They let out a yelp before hurrying out. You sighed.

"I'll see you next time Kaido. I'll be sure to come visit sometimes." you said as he took a drink from a new gourd of sake.

He nodded as you head out, making your way to the ship.

Timeskip cus reader finally got to meet Kaido-

(A/n: Oml i am so tired right now. I keep doing timeskips because i feel like i'm wording everything wrong when this kind of stuff happens. Like reader heading back, skipping details etc. I'm really sorry for so any timeskips-)

you stretched your arms as you got off the ship, the crew that came with you to Wano following behind you.

You sighed and walked into town, a bunch of people greeting you as you waved to them once and ignored them all the way back to the palace.

After entering, a guard immediately came up to you, saying that Doflamingo was looking for you.

You nodded and followed after him as he led you to the room where the four seats were. One for each executive. You entered the room and blinked in confusion.

Doflamingo, the executives and their army officers, and about a dozen older family members.

"Y/n. You're back." Doflamingo said as you nodded slowly. "If I may, young master, what is going on-"

"Ne, Ne, Y/n! What took you so long?" Trebol cut you off as you walked deeper into the room, the guard closing the door behind you. You blinked and glared lightly at the two of the newer members. They looked at you nervously.

You smirked. "Oh. Don't worry about it. The newbies were chatting with each other instead of getting the SMILES on the ship." You said as they tensed behind you as Doflamingo frowned.

"Is that so?"

You nodded. "But it's also my fault. I spent some time talking with Kaido. My apologies captain."You said rubbing your head as he sighed.

"Well, you're here now. So lets began." He said as you nodded. The newer members was pushed to the side.

"I decided to promote you." Doflamingo said as you looked at him, waiting for your promotion rank, as Diaminate started speaking.

"To think that the high noble that Trebol brought to us those years ago would raise this high in the family."

You looked at him a bit confused. "The army officers ranks would still be higher then mine thoug-"

"I'm officially giving you the heart seat. Corazon."



"Corazon? Heart seat? Me?"

"Yes Y/n. The heart seat!" Baby 5 said her eyes shining as your head blanked.

"E-EHHHHHH?! CORAZON?! ME?! N-N-NANI?!" You screamed as your horns appeared on your head, your ears changing into your dragon ones, moving up and down multiple times, causing some of the army officers to stare at you in shock, seeing you were always cold and calm. Seeing you lose your mind over something like a promotion, was a shock.

"But Young master! The heart seat is-"

"It was delayed enough. I told law i would train him to be my right hand when he was 10. The seat if your's now, Y/n."

You blinked and nodded your head quickly. "Thank you young mas-"

"Doffy." He corrected you. You blinked, remembering all the executives called him "Doffy" Instead of "Young master" And sometimes, but rarely, "Captain."

You rubbed your horns and nodded.

"Though it might take a while to get used to but I-"

You paused mid-sentence as your horns disappeared, and your ears changed back. You turned your head towards the two newbies behind you as they let out a frightened yelp.

"Don't you dare speak of this event ever happening." You hissed at them as some of the older members chuckled.


"You are officially the Third Corazon, Y/n. I hope you won't betray me like the last did."

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