Chapter 8:Rest well

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You glanced at Corazon, who's arm was becoming shaky.

Panic. You could feel it in law's emotions. Panic.

"Law won't obey you! Doffy..." He slowly stood up.

"Affected by white lead disease, he was doomed to die in three years. But he got over it. He's not the same law who lost track of himself and came to visit a crazy pirate that day." He said as your eyes widened.

"There is nothing he can gain from you since you're like a child of destruction! Leave him alone now!"

You stepped back your usual glare disappearing.

'Law... Did you change so much in 6 months?'

"He is free!!"

'Free? I want to be free. Am i not free?'

A odd sadness washed over you as you gasped, holding your head.

You flinched as a gunshot rang out. You looked up and saw Corazon falling backwards. Doflamingo had shot him. You could only stare as Doflamingo shot him again and again.

You glanced at Doflamingo. His face was twisted in disgust as he stared at Corazon and lowered his gun.

Corazon fell into the snow as the chests were carried away by the executives, following behind Doflamingo. You stayed behind, and made your way next to Corazon.

"Y/n..." He said breathing heavily.

"Corazon." You said as he sighed.

"Are you here to make sure i die?" He asks. "Well then, you can fini-"

"I know. I'm not going to." You said as he glanced at you. You turned to him and sat down in the snow next to him.


"You're protecting law by using your devil fruit." You muttered as his eyes widened slightly.

"Law's in the chest you were leaning on right? If you die now, Law won't be able to get away." You said as he gasped and coughed.

"As much as i want to get law back, there no way for that now huh? There no way to get law back to the way he was when we first met." You said and stood up.

"I honestly liked you Corazon. You were kind of fun to be around. So I'll just say this now." you said and bowed slightly.

"Thank you. For giving the op-op fruit to law. Thank you for saving him.' You said as he gave you a closed eyed smile.

"I'm glad Y/n. I hope Law comes back for you and save you from Doffy too." He said as he smiled, and breathed out closing his eyes.

You felt tears form in your eyes. You weren't supposed to be crying. You clutched your shirt tightly.

'Then why does it hurt?'

You took a feather from his coat and held it tightly.

"Rest well Corazon." You muttered as three pairs of wings sprouted from your back. You ripped out a feather from your wing, and replaced it with the dark feather you took from Corazons coat.

The feather fixed itself into your wing. And now, you had a permanent single blackish feather. Placing the feather you took out, you placed it on his body. You sighed and flapped your fluffy wings, lifting you off the ground and into the air, as you flew back to the ship.

You could see everything from the air. Everything was burned down. And when you got closer, you heard pained cries. You glanced at the small figure walking away from Doflamingo's ship as it was being fired at by marines.

"Law." You muttered. you flew over to the ship and spotted Doflamingo below on the deck.

"Hurry up y/n!" He yelled as you nodded. you quickly transformed into your full dragon form, you opened your mouth, light forming inside. Once it was fully charged, you fired it at the marine ships, creating holes on the sails.

'Even if i try to leave with law, Doflamingo will for sure come after us and catch law along with me. Then we'll both end up dead.'

They fired at you but caused no damange to you as you hardened your feathers and made your hide tougher. You flew over and dragged your claw across the ship, ripping up some of the wood causing a bit of sea water to start flooding in.

Flying back to Doflamingo, you jumped down onto the ship and transformed back and landed on the deck.

"Lets go."

And that's how law was saved by Corazon, and disappeared. You changed your name from Florence to L/n. (Or a name you wanna be called-)

This was also how Doflamingo decided to train you personally.

Sum big timeskip

You sorted the heavenly tribute money and huffed.

In these few years, Doflamingo took multiple heavenly tributes from various countries, and blackmailed the world government into making him a warlord. Even more people joined the family. Some of the executives became... Weird. As you would say. But everyone grew stronger and some new army officers joined.

You sighed and spread your wings, lifting yourself into the air.

"I'll be going now." You said to Gladius as he nodded. "I'll see you later y/n."

You sighed and flew over the country of Dressrosa, trying to find Doflamingo. Your eyes caught something thin and shiny. Following it, you found Doflamingo and a man with him.
"Y/n. You're here. Help me out." He said as you nodded.

You pushed your claws deeper into the mans body as blood spurted out. He coughed, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Are you going to talk now?" Doflamingo asks as his strings held the man up in the air. He was working with Doflamingo for some time now, and he found out that he betrayed him and that's what got us here.

The man laughed. "Sorry Joker. I have nothing to say to you." He hissed as Doflamingo frowned. He sighed and released his strings. You quickly ripped out his heart, killing him.

You glanced around the alleyway. It was getting quite late and Doflamingo had planned to take over this place.

You followed Doflamingo as he jumped up and opened a window from outside the palace. You quickly and silently spread you wings once again and flew up behind him, your claws shining with blood in the moonlight.

The king of Dressrosa glanced at you. In his eyes, he could only see your silhouette, your shining bloodied claws, three pairs of wings, and your glowing E/c eyes.
(Preferably something light like gold or yellow when your devil fruit awakens your eyes would be a darker color like blood red or purple etc)

"My name is Donquixote Doflamingo. I guess you know what my name suggests, don't you?"

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