Chapter 22:Law

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You growled lightly as you flapped your wings harshly. You were currently in your chaos form. The chaos dragon was faster then the angelic one, so you can get to Doflamingo faster.

you never realized that a marine admiral would be on the island, or that law would immediately aim to attack Doflamingo to buy time.

You enlarged yourself and flew behind Doflamingo just as a few or the rubble was flaying at him. The pillars collided against your hard scales and was cut into rubble by Doflamingo. You sighed as he blocked Law's attack with his strings.

"You again...' you heard him hiss as he tried to create another room.

He failed as Doflamingo shot him with strings. He fell to the ground, trying again.

"Room!" He coughed as the space disappeared again.

"What are you gonna do now, law?" Doflamingo asks, walking closer to him. You landed on the bridge yourself, returning to your normal size.

"Dressrosa is right there." He said laughing, getting closer to law. Then, his den den muhsi rang.

You glanced at him before walking to his side.

He let it ring for a few seconds before picking it up.

"Hey Doffy."

"Diamante." He said as law grabbed his sword, and ran towards him. Seeing this, you quickly flew over to him, knocking him down, pressing one of your talons on his back, so he won't be able to get up.

"Oh, sorry. Are you in the middle of something?" Diamante asks as he heard law's pained grunts.

"No, it's okay. go on."

"Violet betrayed us." You paused and let out a small "Tch"

"I knew it. I knew from the very beginning this was going to happen, once she found someone strong." You hissed under your breath as law glared up at you.

In return, you growled and sent a glare back.

"Black foot was here so i thought something was wrong."

"We were gonna find out what the straw hats were up to with her glare-glare fruit power but we still don't know."

"Oh, don't worry about it." He said. "Diamante. Deploy Lao G. and others at the entrance to the SMILE factory." He said as you looked up at him.

"Whoa-whoa, no way! They have to fight in the finals and make the people happy." Diamante said as you look down at law, who was still staring at Doflamingo.

"I'm sure you can handle it by yourself. "

"Stop! You make it sound like I'm some kind of genius." Diamante said as you sighed and shook your head.

"Only you can do it."

"Like i said, you make it sound like I'm..."

"Admit it. You are a genius." Doflamingo said.

"Okay, I'll do it if you insist!" Diamante yelled at the end of the line before hanging up.

"Doflamingo... You bastard!" Law said as you put a little more pressure on his back.

"Law. While you're drawing my attention as a decoy, other members of the straw hats are planning to destroy the factory. Even if you die here, as long as the factory is destroyed, Kaido will kill me once i lose all the SMILES. Isn't it how your little scenario goes?" He said and began walking towards him again.

"Too bad law. It wouldn't happen, even if you do destroy it."

"But you can't buy time as you'd hoped and the straw hats aren't doing so well." He said and stood in front of law. you lift a little pressure off his back to allow him to look up at him.

"You said you were just using them but if you didn't trust them, you couldn't plan something like that. How can you trust straw hat so much?!"

Law glanced up at him and smirked.

"Because i know the 'D' will blow up a storm again!" He said as a tic mark appeared on your head, and your wings unfurled slightly.

You paused before letting out a laugh.

"You're right law." You said as doflamingo paused. Law glanced at you as two of your feathers were summoned to your side. The feathers struck law's back, causing the wound to bleed slightly.

"Trafalgar D. water law, Y/n D. Florence, portages D. ace. Monkey D. luffy." You said as you took a quick glance at Doflamingo.

You knew what he would do if he found out, but for the cause, you needed to mention yourself. You flicked your tail slightly as Doflamingo sighed lightly before relaxing a bit.

"You. How do you know-"

"You said the 'D' will blow up a storm again. And i agree. Because one is about to get rid of you. Water Law." You hissed, picking him up with your mouth and tossed him to doflamingo.

He smirked before flexing his fingers, and sent law flying. You followed behind doflamingo as his strings cut a bunch buildings behind him as he sent law falling back to the ground.

As law fell to dressrosa, a dust cloud formed as you landed besides doflamingo.

"What's going on here-dara?"

Everyone was silent as the dust cloud slowly cleared.

Law was on the ground, bleeding, and their king, Doflamingo stand in front of him with a 15 feet tall dragon by his side.

"Stupid brat." He growled as pointed his gun at law.

"Hey Tra-guy! Why are you with Doflamingo-" He was cut off.

Doflamingo pulled the trigger and shot law. The people at the scene looks quite horrified, and the marines shocked.

"You've pushed it too far!" He said and shot him again.


Doflamingo smirked and turns slightly to the people who were watching at the side.

"I'm sorry to bother you all." He said as they looked up at him.

"He is a warlord and a pirate - Trafalgar Law. He was behind the false report of my abdication from the throne this morning." he said as you looked down at law.

"He was?!"

"He was trying to drag me down. But don't worry! I've gotten rid of him!" He said as the crowd cheered.
"So he almost messed Dressrosa up!"

"Now we're safe!"

"Hey, mingo!" Your head snapped to the voice. The crowd once again tensed.

"How dare you shoot Tra-guy!"

"Straw hat. It's none of your damn business. Law was originally my subordinate. Responsibility for dealing with him falls to me!" He said as the two outside grabbed their swords, running at him.

"kin, retrieve Tra-guy!" Zoro shouted as you glared at them.

"Pirate hunter and foxfire Kin'emon. huh? I saw a child who looked like momonosuke on the ship earlier!" He said as kin'emon grunted in surprise.

"Don't listen to him! We won't let him take momo away!"

"Of course!"

He said as Zoro drew his sword. Doflamingo laughed as he swung his sword at him. But was blocked by none other then admiral Fujitora.

You smirked, as the ground below zoro cracked, and before long, created a hole which he fell down to.


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