Chapter 28: Leave

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"Your name Y/n. Explain."

You nodded and sighed lightly. "My given name was Y/n Florence. But as you know, I changed it to Y/n L/n. And as for the middle name, D. It was given to me by someone else. I do not remember who that person is, but I remember him calling me y/n D. Florence." You said as doflamingo stared at you.

"But, I remember him saying something of me reminding him of his late daughter, and I was small back then. So I just thought my name was y/n D. Florence." You said as he sighed.

"Is that so." He paused as you stood there silently.

"Very well." He said and smirked after a while.

"I understand the situation. You're fine." He said as you smiled up at him.

"Thanks Doffy. I had hoped you would understand the name was forced on me."

He nodded. Then Bellamy came running up to Doflamingo, asking him to explain what was going on. You stood there silently and watched the two talk. He was eventually beat to the ground of course, and was shaking besides Doflamingo's seat.  Luffy and law made it to the top, and the final battle has begun.

"We're here, Mingo!" Luffy yelled as he landed in front of you and Doflamingo. 

"Let me just make sure. Just in case I'm wrong. You two, what did you come here for?" Doflamingo asks as luffy lifts his head up.

"To kick your ass!"

"The same here."

Law said after luffy. You glared at them as Doflamingo smirked. 

"I'm disappointed." He said as Trebol began to laugh. 

"Bellamy!" Luffy yelled, taking a step fowards as he spotted the man lying on the ground. Doflamingo laughed as Bellamy grunted.

"Do you care about him? I thought you two had a fight in mock town. When did you guys become friends?" Doflamingo asks.

"Hey! Hey! When?! When?!" Trebol says as Law and luffy glared at him. 

"Forget about the past! Let go of Bellamy!" Luffy said as you glared at him. 

"Forget about the past you say? then why don't law forget about his too?" You said as law glared at you. Doflamingo smirked and stepped on Bellamy's back,

"That's up to the winner to decide!"


"This fool came to get killed by me. Right? Bellamy?' Doflamingo says as he Shook slightly.

"You entered the competition at the Colosseum to become an executive of my family. But you got defeated pathetically. That's more then enough reason to be killed. But i gave you another chance."

"Which was, if you kill straw hat, I'll make you an Executive. But you failed again so you shall be killed." He said as you looked down at him. "Don't you think so, Bellamy?" Doflamingo said as he let out cries, his tears dripping to the floor.

Doflamingo grabbed his head, and lifted him up to his knees. "This is how you take responsibility, isn't it? Bellamy." He says as the two glared at him.

"You idolized me of your own will and got desperate when things didn't go as you'd wished. People can't change their nature." He said before pulling his head up. Luffy and law narrowed their eyes as they glanced at his bloodied and bruised face. 

"No matter how much you go, You're just a cheap thug Bellamy. " He said before laughing. 

"what are you saying?! Bellamy has changed!" Luffy shouted as you sighed.

"It's okay now..." Bellamy said as Luffy glanced at him. "Just... kill me already...' He said as his tears continued to flow. Doflamingo laughed, causing Luffy to become even more angry.

"Let go of Bellamy! Mingo!" He yelled before jumping up and stretched his leg, trying to kick doflamingo. But instead, he kicked Bellamy, who was used as a human shield. his eyes widened before snapping his leg back screaming.

"Sorry Bellamy!" 

"Didn't we agree on this earlier?" Law said glancing at Luffy. "Straw hat-ya! if you show your anger and hatred, You're giving the enemy what He wants! Hold back! Stirring our emotions is his tactic." 

He said as you smirked you sent a few feathers at him as he dodges them. 

"If you lose your cool, you could get killed. Like i almost did in the first battle." Law said as doflamingo smirked. 

"Doflamingo is a lronhearted, ruthless man. He's always looking for a chance to get you!" 

You sighed, staring at him. "Enough talking law. Let's just get this over with." 

Even though you were more then capable of fighting, Law made things hard for you. His op-op fruit powers was annoying to deal with. And after a lot of struggling, fighting, running later, Doflamingo was defeated. You had to fight the swordsman, Roronoa Zoro and law together, making the fight difficult. And seeing that your stamina and healing isn't infinite, you had to rest. But it was during that time, law returned to Doflamingo, and along with Luffy, defeated him. 

The Navy put on a whole show of apologizing, took doflamingo and the defeated executives, and put then in sea stone handcuffs. Seeing that you failed to hold off zoro and law, you had to at least get doflamingo back from the navy. So you did what you had to do. You grabbed a family member, who wasn't captured by the marines yet, and pulled him to you.


You quickly shushed him and pulled him with you to your hiding spot. 

"Listen. We don't have a lot of time. Go tell every one who isn't captured to run. Go to another island and split into 6 groups." You said and pushed 6 den den mushi's to the man who quickly out them inside his many pockets. 

"Give them one to each group leader. Tell them i will contact them later. There should be 6 ships at the dock. Take them and go." You said as he quickly nodded and ran off.  You sighed, and glanced at the navy. Law and the other pirates was leaving, and the navy admiral was chasing after them. And of course, the citizens ran after the pirates, stopping Fujitora attack, aimed at them. You took this chance and ran towards the marine ships. 

You had to save the executives first. After finding all of them, you were quick to heal them, and mananged to send them a bit further away from the marines. You clicked your tongue when a few marines borded the ship, grumbling about having to check on the captured pirates. 

You quickly mad eyour way to the executives and glanced at them. They were all healing, your feathers covered their bodies.

"What do we do now Cora-san?" Dellinger asks as you glance at him. 

"Why ask me? Trebol?" You said turning to the man who was now fully healed, and his goop thing covered him once again. 

"Corazon. You're Doffy's right hand. Hey, hey corazon. What do we do?"

You paused before turning into your dragon form. 

"First, we need to get off this island."

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