Chapter 11: Return

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A bit of a shorter chapter then all the other i have before this, i had to get all of my ideas organized for this story so i apologize-

You grunted as you felt your feathers harden. You scolded yourself as the medics and doflamingo watched as you struggle.

Resistance. Focus on what you are resisting against! you glanced at the bottle before suddenly ran over to it and grabbed it, shocking the doctors in the room.

"Y/n-sama!" one yelled as you glared at them. "Please! put that down! we have to treat you!"

You smirked. "No.I'm going to do it. I'll awaken it no matter what!" you yelled as the glow around you turned darker, no longer glowing brightly.

you popped open the bottle you had dumped the substance in. You looked at it and smirked. though it still looked gooey, it had more gas and turned more liquidity.

You poured out some of the substance and let it sit in your hands as it was soaked in. You grunted as the dark purple substance began to circulate in your body. You screamed in pain as your wings spread open and your feathers started to change color and shapes.

You hissed in pain as the feathers shortened and changed textures as your wings turned more bat-like.

you hissed before your hands and arms began to chance into a dragons as your devil fruit activated.

You wince as you fully transformed into your dragon. Having a forced transformation hurts. A lot. But instead of the normal form, your colors were all messed up and all your features were different as well.

A rather loud growl erupted from your throat as the feathers on your body slowly turned into scales.

Doflamingo smirked as you struggled against the pain and the fatigue. "Seems like you got it covered." He said before dismissing the medics.

You couldn't focus on anything else other then pushing your healing and resistance. Everything was blurry as you struggled to get into a corner. You could see a pinkish blur walking towards you, holding something. You winced as you heard his voice as he poured the rest of the high poison on your half scaly and half feathery dragon body.

"Use your devil fruit to it's maxim. He hissed at you as it seeped into your body. You scream in pain, wriggling around. Except it was more like a roar, because of your devil form. Doflamingo stepped back and smirked.

"Good luck Y/n. Don't die." He said as he tossed the empty bottle to the side and left the room, closing the door behind him, as your form kept changing, and the room filled up with poisonous gas.

Timeskip cus i have a feeling this book might end up longer then all of my other fanfics if there's no timeskips-

You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes at the sound of the door opening. Doflamingo walked in, followed by the executives and their army officers as they looked at you in awe.

You lifted your eyes and let out a small roar. Doflamingo smirked and walked up to you, examining your new form. He pulled some of his strings, dragging it across your scales. You quickly hardened it and the strings caused simplycreated a scratch which quickly healed.

He grinned as you stood up, stretching your wings. You deactivated your devil fruit and stood up yawning. He grinned as you blinked at him.

"Yes young master?" You ask as the executives behind him looked at you, eyes still wide.

"Go back to that island you got that. Go there and absorb every bit of that poison there is on the island. I'll give you 2 years." he said and grinned. You nodded and flexed your new wings. you blinked at them for a second.

"Uh. How do i change them back to the feathery ones?" You ask as he smirked.

"It comes naturally. It's your devil fruit. It does whatever you want it to do." He said as you rubbed the scaly wings.

You nodded and opened a window. "I'll see you all later. See you in two years, young master." You said as you spread open your wings and flew out the window, heading to the island.

You let out a small gasp when you realized how fast you can fly. It was way faster then before.

You grinned as you neared the island, mentally preparing for the 2 year long training.

Two years later...

The island was gone. You sighed. Turns out there were living creatures that were living on the island producing the purple substance, and not to mention, they were quite big.

You smirked and spread open your wings. They were bigger then before and you can now use haki.

You flapped your wings, launching into the air, and started to head back to dressrosa.

you flew above the kingdom as some of the civilians noticed you and waved, saying welcome back.

You circled the castle looking in windows, looking for either the executives or doflamingo.


You spotted most of the newer family members on top of the castle. You looked at the rows of soldiers lined up. There were more then the last time you were there.

You smirked and flew above them, circled once and landed in front of doflamingo who smirked.

"I'm back young master."

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