Chapter 4: Story

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"What about you? Where are you from?" He asks taking a bite of his food.

"I came from High Kald." You said as everyone's eyes widened.

"Isn't that a noble city?!" Giolla yelled as Doflamingo smirked.

"So you're from a high class noble family huh? Then why are you here? you should be living your life in the city right now." He said as you glared harshly at him.

"Live the life? LIVE THE LIFE?!" you yelled out as baby 5 and buffalo backed away from you.

"They killed everyone. How can i live the life when i'm beaten to the ground every single damn day?! When they torture me just because i'm not good enough in their eyes!"

"If I wasn't good enough, why didn't they just give everything to my brother?! Why did my own parents have to kill him? Why would they kill my brother?!" You said as tears formed in your eyes.

You gasped, noticing the tears and you quickly wiped them away.

"Sorry. He was killed just a day before i came here." You said lifting your head. "He was the only family member who actually loved me." You muttered.

Trebol laughed and placed his fork down.

"When we found her, she was struggling to walk. She was full of cuts and bleeding." Senior pink said.

"Hey, hey Doffy! She also might have that haki!" Trebol said as Doflamingo's smirk grew wider.

"I see. I did hear that some of the higher nobles deem some of their children unfit and give their birthrights to someone else. To either the younger sibling, or another adopted child."

You clicked your tongue as baby 5 looked at you.

"Just because you're a noble, don't expect us to treat you any different!" She said as law glared at her and she went back to crying.

"Fufufu. I see." He said looking you up and down.

"I'll destroy them. I'll absolutely slaughter them. I'll make them pay for what they did to me." You hissed before you let out a small laugh.

"To think i was so stupid. To think i didn't run away from the beginning. To think i endured this for 3 damn years..." You trailed off and blinked.

"Sorry. I got off track." You said as Doflamingo smirked.

"It's quite alright." He said and nodded. "Very well. You may stay here. And we'll see if you are any use."

You walked besides law. Most of the people there went out for a mission and you and law took this opportunity to find Corazon.

Watching Corazon read the newspaper, You and law nodded at each other. You tightened your grip on the knife in your hands, and launched yourself at him with law at your side.

Both knives found it's target as it was pushed into Corazon's back. His cigarette fell out of his mouth as he grunted in pain, his eyes wide. You and law pushed the knife in deeper as the metal beneath the two of you collapsed. Pushing against the metal beam under your foot, you pushed the knife deeper into his body.

You heard a gasp from behind you as you pulled out your knife. You and law both turned around and glared at buffalo as he stood there staring at the two of you.

'Damn it! He saw!'

Both you and law thought as buffalo started to sweat.

"They.. b-broke the... Blood Law!" He stuttered as his eyes grew wider and wider. "They deserves impalement-dasuyan!"

You glared at him as he continued. "I must inform... The young master-dasuyan!"

"Buffalo!" You yelled and grabbed him as law chased after you.

"If you don't say a word about this, we'll buy you ice cream." Law said as you nodded. He paused for a moment, and ended up agreeing.

You followed as Giolla and Machvise held law by his arms and threw the him on the ground.

"I guess they decided to suddenly escape. The two were already at port-in." Giolla said as you and law got up.



'Damn! He didn't die! Will we get killed for nothing?!' law thought as Doflamingo stared at the two of you.

'No way. I'm sure law and I shut buffalo up. But what about Corazon?! Did he tell Doflamingo himself? How is Corazon acting like he's fine?!'

"Law." Doflamingo started. He didn't have his usual smirk on his face, and that made you worried.

"I called you in for just one thing. I decided to welcome you to the Doflamingo Family officially." He said as you sighed in relief.

"What?' You heard law say as buffalo dropped his ice cream.

"The family-in!"

"Because you went through such a horrible experience, you got that incomparable hateful look in your eyes, as well as y/n. You have the 'quality'." he said as Giolla laughed, placing a hand on his head.

"He sees potential in your future! Young master-sama is a visionary man!"

Law smacked her hand off him. "Even if he sees future potential in me, i will die in three years anyway!" he said as Doflamingo laughed.

"That depends on your luck!"


"We specialize in the black market." Doflamingo said. "We handle the devil fruits, too." He said as buffalo and baby 5 poked their head in.

"And some of those fruits have powers that are beyond human knowledge. There might be a fruit that could cure your disease."

This caught your attention. Sure, you have heard about the devil fruits. You have always wanted one. Since you couldn't swim well, having a devil fruit would make up for it. Its basically everyday life but with a special ability for you because you can't swim.

"Devil fruits?" Law asked as you glanced at him. It seems he doesn't know about them.

"If you're lucky, your life could be saved by a devil fruit we come across in the three years you have left. I will train you to become my right-hand man 10 years from now." He said as your eyes grew wide and whip your head to law, slight jealousy in your eyes.

Corazon coughed and placed his hand on the two stab wound on his side as Doflamingo looked over to him.

"Whats wrong?" He asked as your eyes grew wide, along with the other three kids there.

Corazon brought out a piece of paper.


Huh? Your mouth opened slightly in shock.

"An enemy hurt you?" he asks. "Did you take care of him?"

"I finished him off" The paper said as Doflamingo looked at the wound.

"That's good. Get it treated, okay?"

'That's good. Get it treated okay sis? I promise i'll be there next time.'

Your eyed widened as you lowered your gaze to the ground.

You could tell what law was thinking, a drop of sweat slid down his face.

'Did he just cover up for us?'

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