Chapter 3: Friendship

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"Captain Doffy's brother by blood. He can't speak because of a traumatic event in his past, i heard." He continues as you stare at the executive and narrowed your eyes.

Something's off about him.

"In addition..." Before he can speak another word, you felt a hand on your head.

"He doesn't like kids. Be careful." He finished as a tic mark grew on your forehead.

"couldn't you have told us earlier?!" You yelled as you and law went flying out the window and fell to the ground below.

"Oh, Their dead!" You heard baby 5 cry out as you slowly got up ignoring the pain.

"They crashed into the mountain of scrap metal-dasuyan!" Buffalo said looking out the window next to baby 5.

You pushed the metal off your body as you stood up shakily as blood dripped from your head, running down your face.

"You fucking bitch..." You winced and glared up at Corazon who was smirking and had a cigarette in his mouth.

'Damn it. Fuck fuck fuck!'

"Ah. His feather coat caught on fire."

You turned your head to Law, who was also glaring at Corazon next to you as they yelled at Corazon who fell back the railings, still on fire.

"Cora-san caught on fire!" Baby 5 yelled as you stared at law. He turned to you with the same hatred and anger in your eyes.

Coming to a silent agreement, you nodded at each other and stood up.

"I'll kill him..." both you and law said. You stretched out your arm to him as he glared at it. You sighed and pulled him up.

"Don't think this means I like you LAW." You hissed as he glared at you.

"Same to you Y/N."

Is what was said. But you both silently knew, that you'll get along, quite nicely.

You and law pushed the door open and walked in as everyone turned to the two of you. You stood next to law as a woman with a odd hairstyle smirked at the two of you.

"What do you want? We're having dinner." She said looking at you and law. Law wiped his face and glared at the one who threw us you the window earlier.

"Throw them out! who is she anyways?!" She said as your glare hardened. Just as you were about to curse at her, Doflamingo spoke before you.

"It's fine." He said as three executives looked over at him.


"I called them." He said as their eyes widened slightly in shock.

"You did?!"

Trebol laughed. "Hey hey law! It's been a week now. Don't you wanna get out of here?" He asks as you turned to him.

"You've been getting beaten by Corazon since you came here." He said as you clicked your tongue lightly.

"Kids run away and so do adults. That's why we only have the best here." Diamante said and glared at him.

"How much longer will a powerless brat like you last?" He asks as you growled.

"Oi! Shut up already! He's not powerless!" You yelled at him as he glanced at you.

"I'm not gonna go anywhere!" law yelled after you.

"If so..." the man with the slightly dirty purple hair started. He paused when buffalo laughed at his high pitched voice.

"Don't forget the 'blood law' no matter how you get harmed." The older man with the bunny hat said, looking over to the two of you.

'Blood law?'

"This family will fall apart if a member defies us executive's authority." He said grabbing a huge slice of pizza.

"I once laughed at Pica-sama and almost died from torture." Buffalo said you you glared at him.

"I wish you did die." you muttered under your breath as law glanced at you.

"It doesn't scare me." Law said "I've seen hell."

Doflamingo laughed. "You can bluff as you like. But Corazon is my precious biological, younger brother." He said as your eyes widen slightly in shock.

"If anyone so much as cuts him once, i will..." He took his knife and sliced the air. "Put them to death!"

There was a pause before two of them stood up abruptly. "Look at his skin!"

"It's white lead disease! It's agonizing pain if you get infected!" She yelled as buffalo fell back, pressed against the wall.

"What?! It's contagious?! You're disgusting!" He yelled. You growled and ran over to him before anything else could be said and punched him square in the face. 

"Shut it you stupid fuck." You cursed as buffalo slid to the floor. You glared at him.

"How dare you call him disgusting? You're the one that's disgusting you foul creature!" You hissed and returned to law's side.

"Why did you do that?" he whispered to you as you sighed. "He deserved it. It's just something i experienced. Just leave it." You whispered back.

"Disgusting! Get out of here right now-dasuyan!" He yelled as your glare hardened.

Law looked like he was going to go punch him himself. Doflamingo slammed his hand on the table silencing everyone.

"Giolla, don't spread information which is nothing more than a rumor. shame on you. Look. Buffalo believed you." He said as you looked at him.

"White lead disease come from poisoning. It's not contagious."

"But stay away from me just in case-dasuyan!" You turned to him and raised your fist.

"OI! Do you want me to punch you again?!"

Doflamingo gazed at you. "We'll talk about you later." He said and looked at law.

"Hey. Are there any other survivors in the white town, Flevance?" He asked raising his hand a bit.

"I don't know. I was just desperate to escape." law responded.

"How did you get out?" He asks smirking.

"I crossed the border hiding under a stack of dead bodies." He said as your frown lightened. And for some reason, you felt proud.

"Hey! I'm eating!" Gladius said covering his mouth.

"What are you holding a grudge against?" Doflamingo asks as law looks up.

"I don't believe in anything anymore." He said as you nodded slightly.

"I'm not afraid to die!" He said. "Corazon! Don't push your luck!" he yelled at him as he just kept eating his food.

"I will get my revenge on you at any cost!" You mentally facepalmed. Its like he just told the enemy the plan...

"Hey, are you stupid? Weren't you listening?!" Baby 5 said and pointed at him.

"They'll torture you if you do such a thing! Impalement! Don't mess with pirates!" She said and slapped his head.

Your head snapped to her as you glared at her full of anger and annoyance.

"Children are idiots!" She said as law lifted his head.

"They think their apologetic tears will guarantee forgiveness!" Law also turned and glared at her. she gulped, seeing two people glaring at her full of anger, she grabbed buffalo's arm as she cried.

"Now then." Doflamingo said pointing at you.

"What about you?"

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