Chapter 12: Kaido

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Am so tired and stressed out. Srry for the huge timeskip with not a lot of details-
I apologize.

You glanced at the whispering soldiers and sighed.

"Sorry for interrupting." You said as doflamingo laughed. "It's quite okay y/n. I see you've gotten stronger." He said as you stepped to the side.

"Fufufufu~ To all you new members. This is Y/n l/n. Treat her with respect, or you might get eaten." He said as you glared at them.

"I hope you newbies adapt well." You hissed at them, blowing a small amount of poisonous gas towards them. But before any of them could inhale it, you sucked it back up and smirked at them.

"Y/n." doflamingo said as you turned to him.

"We'll update you on what happened I'm the 2 years you were gone." He said and smirked. He waved the new members away
as the executives glanced at you, silently welcoming you back.

"The SMILEs are complete and we began sending them to Kaido." Diaminate said as you nodded.

"The next supply should be ready soon. This time you can go get the smiles to him. He's in Wano." Doflamingo said as your eyes widened.


"Correct. The smiles are already being loaded on your ship." Diamainte said as your eyes widened.

"Huh? My ship? What?" You ask in shock. Doflamingo smirked.

"You're being promoted Y/n." He said as you gasped. Your tail moved side to side as you tried to hide your excitement.

You silently sighed, your tail giving you away as you heard Trebol laugh.

"Well, when should i leave?"

"You can head over now. They should be done. And make sure the smiles get to Kaido on time, otherwise I'll have the heads of the ones in charge of the supplies. "

You nodded before jumping off the palace, spreading your wings as you fell, and made your way to the ship at the docks.

You landed and walked towards the ship Doflamingo has the SMILES loaded into. You glanced around, seeing some of the members who were supposed to load the ship, sitting there and chatting.

You coughed as everyone glanced at you. You glared at them.

"And what are you newbies doing? I thought that you were supposed to be preparing the ship for it's trip to Wano. And here you are, sitting on your useless asses chatting away." You growled as some of them glared at you.

You sighed as pulled one up as the one you held yelled at you to let him go.

You smirked and quickly blew a small flame onto him, setting him on fire before dropping him.

"The young master said that the smiles should get to Kaido on time. What do you think will happen if it doesn't?" They gulped and got back to work. You cursed at them under your breath as you boarded the ship.

Timeskip to Wano-

"Grab the smiles and get going!" You yelled, carrying a box of the artificial devil fruit.

"I believe all of you know your way yes?' You ask as they nodded.

You quickly transformed into your chaos dragon, changing your size and grabbed a few more boxes of smiles in your mouth and flew off.

You landed at the entrance of Onigashima and a few guards stopped you, staring in shock.

"Who are you, and what business?" One yelled as you glanced at him and opened your mouth to show then the smiles.

They studied you for a second before moving away, letting you walk past them.

You made your way inside the huge skull, spotting the huge man and a few of his guards. He looked up at you as you came closer to him. You have him a slight bow, well as well as you can give as a dragon anyways, and opened your mouth, letting the smiles fall out, surprisingly not wet from being in your mouth.

Kaido glared at you as you sat down, waiting for him to say something.

"I never knew Doflamingo owned a dragon." He said and glanced at a nearby guard.

"You. Take the smiles." He said as he nodded quickly, taking the smiles and moving them slowly.

Kaido leaned down and glanced at you.

"I work for the young master Kaido-san.' You said blowing out a small amount of poison. "I have been since i was 10."

Kaido glanced at you in surprise.

"Is it hard to talk to me?" you ask and stood up. you quickly adjusted your size, and grew larger until you grew as large as Kaido. You sat down and glanced at him.

"Is this better?' you smirked as he looked at you.

It was silent for a while before he laughed.

"What a surprise!" He said as the rest of the family members walked in and almost dropped the smiles seeing what was happening.

You smirked. "How is it a surprise? You have a devil fruit too no?" you ask as he drank his sake.

You glanced to the side, seeing one of the family member glare at you, you huffed in annoyance and swatted him with your now huge tail, knocking him down as he winced in pain.(note that your tail have some spikes on it-)

you grabbed the man before impaling him with your claws, killing him. "Annoying shit." You hissed as Kaido smirked.

"Your name?" He said as you turned to him.

"Names Y/n l/n, Kaido-kun." You said as he looked at you amused.

"And are you a dragon? or a human with a devil fruit?' he asked as you paused.

You transformed back to your original size, and back into a human. You changed your wings into feathery once and hovered in front of Kaido's eyes so he can see you properly.

"I'm a human. With a special Zoan devil fruit." You said as he hummed.

"How about you Kaido? I've heard you have a devil fruit, but never what type." You said as one of the animal kingdom guards glared at you.

"Hey! Who do you think you're talking to?!" He yelled as Kaido turned to him, glaring at him as he fell quiet.

Kaido turned his focus back to you as he placed down his drink.

"The Uo-Uo no mi. Model: Seiryu." He said as you let our a short "Ohh"

You flapped your wings up to his head and poked and pulled at his horns. He grabbed his sake and drank it, making sure he won't hit you with his horns when he leaned back. You flapped your wings and smirked, patting his horn gently.

"I think we're going to get along great Kaido-Kun."

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