Chapter 29: Plans

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You huffed as the executives sat on your back chatting with each other. 

"Y'know, you could be doing something else other then talking about random things, right? Like how we're going to find Doffy?" You said as they paused. Dellinger climbed on your head and held your horns. 

"Ne, Cora-san, are we there yet?" He asks happily as you grew a tic mark. 

"BASTARD! DON'T IGNORE WHAT I JUST SAID!" You yelled as he laughed.

"But, yes. We're almost there. When we land, I need to contact the 6 groups i sent out." You said as Buffalo nodded.

"Where are we going to land-dasuyan?' Buffalo said as you eye twitched. 

"Buffalo. Get off. You can fly too. Carry Baby 5 and dellinger. You said as he sighed and got off you, baby 5 and dellinger jumping onto his back. 

"We're almost there. Just hang on." You muttered as a island slowly came into view.

After you landed, You sighed and returned to your human form and laid down on the ground.  "Sugar. Connect the den den mushi's.' you said as she nodded and grabbed the transporter snail. 

It ran for a while, before it was picked up. you sighed and sat up, the Executives either next to you or behind you, listening close.

"Report." You said as a voice spoke. 

"Group 1 reporting. Successfully avoided the marines, and we are on a island hidden."  

"Continue. Next group." You said as another voice was heard.

"Group 2 reporting. Also successful."

It went on until group 6. You nodded and glanced at trebol. "Good. Now all of you listen closely. You will be staying on the island you are on now and gather information. Those who are skilled fighters, Train. We will be collecting information. Make sure to stay undercover." You said as the six groups all responded with a "Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Begin immediately." You said before handing the transporter snail to sugar. You stood up, and threw another Den den mushi to baby 5. 

"5. I need you to also gather information undercover at another island. I wish you luck." You said as she nodded. 

"Alright. Buffalo and baby 5, head off. The rest of you, come with me."

Okay okay let me explain now. The fight i like the anime but you fought zoro and law at the same time. And now, we're doing a month timeskip cus I'm getting lazy-

"Alright. It's good enough." You said as Dellinger sat down on the grass. It has been a month since what happened in Dressrosa. A whole month of training with the executives. 

"Is everyone ready?" You ask turning to the remaining executives and their army officers. They all nodded as you transformed once again into your chaos form, allowing them to climb onto your back. 

Dellinger laughed and climbed onto your large head, gripping your horns. You made sure that you were large enough for everyone to be able to be sprawled out, having their own space to rest and mind their own business. 

"Sugar." You called as the glanced at you, stuffing her grapes into her mouth. 

"yes cora-san?" She says as you glanced out to sea. 

"Please grab the transporter snail and call the 3rd group. Ask them for information. We will begin our plan." You said as she nodded.


"Ah! Sugar-sama!" the leader of the third group said as sugar popped another grape into her mouth.

"We need the information. Cora-san said we'll be starting the plan." She said as he began reporting the information they gathered in the past few days. 

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