Chapter 14: Smiles

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Timeskip to a few months later-

Walking into the smile factory, you looked around. You sighed and started to the area where the tiny people were forced to work.

You decided to try and manipulate them into trusting you and thinks that you're their... friend.

You opened the door to where the smiles were growing and walked in. And just in time to see a family member kicking at one of the tiny people.

"Hey!" You shouted as they turned to look at you.

"Quit it."You hissed and gently picked up the injured tontatta and held him in your hands.

"Oh you poor thing." You said as the dwarves all stopped to look at you. you plucked a feather from your wing and wrapped it around the creature. You started healing the small creature, the feather glowing bright as the member standing there glared at you.

"Hey! what are you-"

"Shut it." you hissed at him as the small tontatta got up slowly, holding onto your thumb.

"Thank you um..."

"Corazon. You can call me Corazon, or y/n." you said as he beamed at you.

"Thank you Corazon-sama!" He said and bowed. The family members there stared at you in shock before bowing and apologizing profusely.

You set the small Tontatta down and turned to the members now standing In rows in front of you with their hands at their sides.

You grabbed the one who was beating the small creature before and pulled him away from the rest.

"And who gave you permission to yell at me? Jeez, Doffy should have announced that i took the heart seat." you hissed as the man in your hands started to apologize even more, stuttering.

"Shut up! And who do you think you are to beat down the tontatta's? They work so hard and this is how you repay them?" you yelled and dropped the man on the ground, stepping on him.

You turned to the tontattas and sighed.

"I apologize for his behavior. Please forgive him." You said as they shook their heads.

"It's okay Corazon-sama! We'll work hard!"

You looked at the smiles in the cart. "Looks like you need a break. Grab some food and rest for a bit." You said as they nodded happily and ran inside to get food.

You turned your feet into talons, placing pressure on the man you are stepping on, breaking a few of his ribs.

"Listen up." you hissed as they tensed. "Treat them better you understand? We have to make sure we get Kaido's supply of smiles to him on time." You say as they quickly nodded. Your foot turned back as you stepped off the body.

"Good." You said and followed where the tontatta's went.

As you walked inside, you glanced at the small creatures eating happily. You coughed as they turned their heads to you.

"Y/n-sama! Would you like some food?!" One asked and lifted his plate up to you.

"Corazon-sama! Please have some food too!" Another shouted as you smiled at them.

"No thank you. You need to eat, they probably haven't fed you anything good." you said as they quickly ate the food they had.

"Oh, and please be careful of the smiles you pick out, The more ripe Smiles you pick, the less work for you!" You said as they nodded.

"Of course Corazon-sama!" One said as the others agreed with her. You nodded.

"Good luck! I'll be taking my leave." you said and headed out of the building.

You sighed and stepped out into the sunlight as you spread open your wings and flew to your new ship. You were assigned another mission. Debt collection. Apparently, a small gang who previously worked with Doflamingo borrowed money from him and never paid their debt. And you were sent to get rid of them. 

Landing on the ship, you pointed to one of the guards who was there when you went to Wano.

"You! Tell the rest of the crew to get on. We're leaving." You said as he yelped and scrambled off the ship to tell the rest of the family members. You leaned on the railing of the ship as you heard the crew walk onto the ship muttering to themselves.

You sighed and crossed your arms. "AHEM!" They looked up and glanced at you. "Huh? Who're you" your eye twitched as you sighed. "That doesn't matter right now." you hissed as they glared at you.

"Pull up the anchor. We're leaving." You said as they shook their heads. 

"Who even are you? Don't you know who we are?" One of them asks and takes out his sword. You turned to him and blew out a cloud of poison. He breathed it in while walking towards you. 

"The rest of you not holding a weapon, cover your nose and mouth unless you also want to die." You said you pointed to the man who was now frozen, and holding his throat. And a second later, he collapsed to the ground. The others were quick to slap their hands over their nose and mouth after seeing the man die in seconds. 

You studied them as you walked over, taking the poison back into your body. They uncovered their mouths as you smirked. 

"Listen up!' You yelled as they turned to you. "We were assigned a debt collection mission By Doffy. Set sail at once!"

"Doffy? The young master? Who are you to call him that?!" 

You blinked at him. "Oh. Right i forgot. Doffy gave me the heart seat. Im his right hand. The third Corazon."

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