Chapter 1: Invective

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"Landing in one minute," Fury announced, as the aircraft lowered 50 yards away from the central building. With it cloaked, they'll be able to arrive secretively. Fury stood by the edge, looking out into the snow-covered forest. "All right, what's the plan, Dark?" He glanced down at the girl, squatting on the edge of the platform. Her gaze met his.

"Stay hidden, get inside, retrieve the scepter," She instructed, gesturing with her hand as she held onto the safety handle. The winds gusted in her face, her hair was pulled back into a tight low bun, professionally. The aircraft was inches above the ground when she jumped out, unhooking herself, she stayed until the base was secure.

With weapons in arms reach, Fury was prepared for the worst. "And if someone sees you?" He asked.

"That won't happen. I'll be in and out before they arrive," The girl said, leaning over to grab her blades. "Remember to keep your eye open and only shoot if someone nears," She exhaled sharply before pulling up her mask over her mouth and beginning her mission.

The heavy snow pelted her as she dashed through it, trying to stay hidden at all costs. If she failed to complete this task, everything would end in utter chaos. She grew cold as snow fell from the sky. As she approached the base of the hydra, the air was still, giving her dread at every step.

She was surprised to see no people were out and about outside of the building. She would've thought their people would be mingling. She could see this as a sign, she needed to hurry because she felt paranoid that they were watching her.

Running up the hill, she came to a wall and heard sudden indistinct chatters coming from the other side. She huffed, pressing two fingers on her right temple, she activated her visions.

It's like she was using cheat codes to know that she'll make it without being seen. She trusted her future visions, she had a cheat code to life, making it easier.

Creating a forcefield underneath her, she lifted herself up and over the wall, only to be face to face with one unlucky soul.

The man stood in front of her as he began to tremble with fear of an enhanced. Dark showed no mercy, getting a hold of him as he tried to run away and pierced her blade right into the side of his neck. A quiet and quick death.

She heaved out a sigh, dragging the man behind an alleyway before she lurked around until she found an entrance.

Getting ready to pick the locks, she was stopped by a power shield, blocking her from entering. She tapped her temple, seeing her options and how they all can end in the same way.

She double tapped it, activating more power to herself. She raised her hands and pressed them against the shield. Her fingertips created defense as red smoke floated around them.

She scanned the building and found a particle-wave just below the north side. She saw it and clenched her hands into fists. Forming pressure around the source, she soon broke it, and the shield retracted around the building.

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