Chapter 17: The Red Room Part 4

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When another year had passed without Greta by her side, Davina took on new skills and ways to cope with the sorrow. Ms. Sidorov noticed the changes she had developed over time and moved her to a different part of the academy where only a few special girls would go for separate training.

There, they worked on focus and on building new habits. But they were treated the same if they failed or missed a step because there was never an escape when it came to discipline.

One of the major changes to the way they were taught how to fight, was that they were to train with the new instructor, the Wolf Spiders.

Davina never grew a liking to them but they were good for practice fighting. Blocking and defense mechanisms. But they went hard on the girls and didn't hold back to kill them on the spot if they messed up or made the wrong decision.

Davina witnessed a handful of deaths before her eyes. With their blood on the floor, she'd sometimes have to clean up after the fight before supper.

But another thing they started to do with these special girls, they wanted to test them on a new serum they've been creating to make all the black widows. To become more efficient and powerful with their fighting techniques.

Their ability to focus. To act. To read and translate languages better. For balance. For perfection. For killing without mercy.

To have power beyond their control but the red room's control.

They led Davina along with the other five girls down a set of stairs and into a room with several stations set up. White beds at an obtuse angle with bright lights hanging dangling above.

The tiles were dirty in between the cracks and put a certain smell in the air. Dense and humid. Hot and sweaty.

And Davina didn't feel right about any of it. She stepped back against the guards that held her up and was immediately whipped on her back to go forward.

Breathing in sharply, she went along with it and did what she was told as they ordered her to lean back onto the bed.

They tied her feet, wrists, and neck down with belts already strapped to the bed and then cranked the bed to lay her flat, her eyes on the ceiling.

They flickered around the room, then did the same to the others, strapping them down and watching them not struggle. But Davina began to struggle.

She had a strange feeling in her stomach, telling her something was wrong and didn't feel right. But when she pulled against the belts, she was whipped and winced out in pain.

"Davina! Behave!" Ms. Sidorov demanded, holding the whip and giving her a warning. Davina stayed still, feeling dread creep up her back. She didn't feel right about any of it.

It was only moments of a wait when Ms. Sidorov was handed a needle with red fluid in it. The sight of this made Davina scream. Her mouth was then covered by a guard and muffled. Ms. Sidorov slapped her arm before motioning the guard to let go and hitting her cheek. She stopped in shock and was only able to stare as Ms. Sidorov whispered, "Good girl, Davina." She said before she motioned for them to come back and her mouth was immediately covered with a mask, forcing her to breath in sleeping gas. As the drowsiness was slowly getting to Davina, she watched Ms. Sidorov came closer to her face and felt a small pinch in the side of her head. The needle was pushing into her temple and the fluid was released.

And seconds after first contact in her veins, Davina felt her brain become awake. The gas was no longer trying to put her to sleep but instead to get her to react. Davina could feel herself appearing different. She felt cold. Getting chills up her spine, she sucked in air and darted her eyes towards one of the guards. She eyed them as they aimed their weapons at her, feeling as if she was going to hurt them. "What did you do to me?!" Davina yelled, feeling sudden anger. "What the fuck is going on?!"

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