Chapter 14: The Red Room Part 1

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Davina tried to stay the same as several months went by. She was able to cooperate with Miss Sidorov and her instructions but she was never ready for what had occurred in the past year.

When she asked about going home in September, they told her she was never going home and that the Red Room was her new home now. She didn't understand why, she kept to herself most of the time after that because she was afraid of punishment.

But she began to really miss her parents. She missed their faces and how they would throw the best birthday parties for her. When she turned six, when she told people it was her birthday, nobody acknowledged it. In fact, Miss Sidorov told her to stop speaking about it and ordered her to stay focused.

Most of the little girls there didn't even know when their birthday was. And after Davina misbehaved again, they took away her calendar. So now, she'll be just like everyone else. Wondering what day and month it really was.

Since it's been a year, she's gotten used to her routine now.

First, when she wakes up, she has to wait with all the other girls her age for Miss Sidorov to uncuff her from the bed post. Davine had made a lot of new friends and met a lot of new faces, all of which she enjoyed. Some little girls knew more about the place and some were just like her, full of questions but too afraid to ask.

For the first two mouths there, they had to go through a selection process. In which they had to train and fight others their size in order to move on to the next station. To prove themselves that they're up for the challenge. And that was the day that Davina had to lose herself for a while. During this, she had to witness a lot of innocent girls get killed in the process in this experience. She didn't know them, the ones who died or weren't close. But most of her friends made it through and became qualified.

This made Davina happy at the time. But after that, she was separated from them and was taken into a room to be sterilized. Of course, she didn't know that at the time nor did she understand why she woke up with stitches underneath her stomach. But she was awake when they gave her the shots, making her loopy.

Second, she got dressed in her training suit like everyone else and sat down to watch a movie. The same movie. They watched it every day as they were ordered to recite the lines from beginning to end.

Davina still knew she was there, she just couldn't show it in front of everyone else. It would show distraction, weakness, foolishness. After the movie, Miss Sidorov would order them to start with their daily fighting routine and make them fight each other.

No holding back. And if one girl was down, the other would have to finish her.

Kill the weak, Miss Sidorov always told them.

Davina never wanted to kill anyone, which led to severe punishments.



After fighting, they would do shooting practice and Davina was a natural at it. Miss Sidorov said it was her best skill.

Davina and the others would practice until someone's ears bled from the loud popping noises. Harsh, Davina thought but didn't comment.

After practice, they'd send them right back into the sterilizing rooms. Putting them under with laughy gas and sliding needles into their arms, necks, and thighs. When they woke up after a short period of time, they were fed very little food. So much as a single piece of toasted bread with jelly spread on the top along with a half glass of water.

They all had ten minutes to eat before getting back to training. If you didn't finish on time, you were punished. But that never happened because mostly all of the girls would be finished eating in 2 minutes because of their hunger.

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