Chapter 13: Left in the Lurch

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Just keep running, she told herself. The first few yards of the ground was still fresh with snow as she dashed through and into the forest. Gunshots echo from behind her, making her pick up speed. The back of Davina's neck aches every couple of seconds, its waves kept getting more and more painful as she ran deeper into the dark lands of what seemed to be endless trees. Pushing herself to keep going, she jumped over a fallen down tree. Her chest began to burn. The fluid she was injected with was perhaps slowing her down, draining her energy and causing her white blood cells to fight the virus that lurked in her system.

The piles of snow we're getting taller and deeper, going further and further. Davina didn't look back once and eventually could hear nothing else but her pants. With the snow getting up to above her ankles, she had to jump out of each step. Kept licking her lips, even though the cold wind would dry them faster than she could blink, it was the only thing she could do.

Her neck ached with an intense amount. More than before, it made her pause for a moment. But she kept going, grunting out and seeing her hot breath floating through the freezing air. The dark forest felt like it was closing in on her as she ran. She pressed her hand against her neck, only to jerk it back. The fluid felt like it was burning her skin and going up.

She felt her body fighting it but being not enough. Her limbs were so weak now, she couldn't go on. She couldn't tell if she had snow in her eyes or that her vision was being blurred. She couldn't hear shouts anymore so that paranoia was gone for now. Her knees suddenly buckled mid-jog and she collapsed and fell deep into the thick snow. So deep she could see the surface a few inches above her head.

The sky was getting dark and the lost girl wanted to panic. Yet she felt herself getting tired. Exhausted. With her vision blurring, even more, she closed her eyes. Hearing the echoes of a man's voice from a distance, Davina's body didn't react. Her conscience was already going under. She felt her mind shutting off as the snow numbed her cheeks.


11 years earlier

The girl doesn't remember much, other than getting pushed into a van and tied down. They told her, her parents signed her up for summer camp and this was the initiation protocol. But 5-year-old Davina Dark believed that because it wasn't out of the blue, she went to summer camps often at the start of June. And indeed, it was the first week of June.

She thought it was totally normal to be in a van, blindfolded and tied to a chair. Thinking they wanted to surprise her. She always liked summer camps. All the activities. All the crafts. Adventures. She thought it was all a surprise. But when the blindfold was removed, she realized she was in a car with three unknown men.

Being a 5-year-old at the time, Davina didn't think she was in danger. Instead, she acted friendly towards them. And the weird thing was, they did the same to her. She enjoyed talking to strangers and time seemed to fly by as the van drove miles and miles away from her home. Past her town and across several borders.

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