Chapter 15: The Red Room Part 2

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"Do you think they'll do it again?"

Her breathing was getting caught in her throat as salty sweat dripped down her face. She couldn't move. Her arms and legs were bruised up badly while her head began to ache. Pounding from the impact they laid on her.

"Davina?" She heard Greta's sweet voice from across the room. She rolled over onto her back, groaning and stared up at the ceiling while she listened to Greta start to cry.

"Crying doesn't solve anything, Greta, it only-"

"-makes you weak. I know. You've said that before." She sobbed out. "Are you okay?"

Davina coughed violently before she answered. "No. I don't think I can't stand up."

"It's all my fault, I never should have helped you with the lesson."

"It's not-"

"It is! If I would've stayed in place, you would've never gotten... the punishment."

"I only got it because I didn't do the lesson right. I didn't listen. And you decided to help. It's my fault, I should've paid more attention."

"I'm sorry. Are you bleeding anywhere?"

"I tasted some in my mouth, does that count?"

"Oh god, Davina, I feel terrible."

"It's okay. I needed the wake up call anyway."

"No. No, don't say that, Davina. Please. Don't say that."

"What? It's true. I wasn't focused and needed to be out in place."

"Stop. Stop talking. Don't say that, Davina. What's wrong with you?"

"Everything, Greta."

"Stop. Please." She cried more and Davina felt herself dozing off after a while.


The guards forced the half awake Davina on her feet. She winces in pain, sucking in air through her clenched teeth as she hears them taking Greta out of the room. She struggled against their hold but gave up after her last glance at Davina.

When Greta disappeared, Davina was brought upstairs by their secret elevator in the back of the room with a locked access pad.

Davina's mind had fully recovered from her sleep on the way up yet she still felt the agony on her skin as it was already bruised.

Purple, red and black covered her small figure. Cuts on her feet and hands, she felt pain Everytime she handled something or walked.

The guards threw her into a private bathroom with a set of new clothes. They informed her to take a shower and be out in the common room in ten minutes. When left alone, she stripped immediately and hopped in the shower. The only cold water stung her injuries more and it was hard to take care of herself.

She finished carefully cleaning herself and dressed in the fresh clothes provided. She wobbled out of the room and into the movie room where anybody else was, already watching snow white.

Davina was grabbed and pulled forward only to be sat down in the front. She tried to look for Greta but was forced to watch.

And she couldn't do anything about it because they started to make them recite the lines of the movie again. Like they did everyday.



Something changed after the event of Greta that caused Davina much pain mentally and physically. The injuries she suffered led her to be sterilized way more often than usual and Greta could've been more guilty.

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