Chapter 6: The Safe House

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Dark blacked out for several seconds before opening her eyes to people running around and even over her. The air filled with dust, making her cough as she got up and out of the cracked road.

Dark kept choking on her own blood, running down her throat. Her nose was aching, she assumed it was already starting to bruise from the hits she took.

The screams from citizens were muffled to her as she stumbled forward. Dusting off the dirt from her beat up clothes, she navigated around the people and went to where she could see Hulk groaning. In a huge pile of rubble, Hulk's head popped out of the top. Lifting a large piece of concrete off him, Dark could see the red magic from the manipulator leaving his eyes as he gazed around, noticing the frightened people.

She breath hitched when Hulk met her eyes. She watched as they softened, seeing the blood smeared on her face and dripping off her chin. He blinked, and Dark found herself slowly walking towards him. Hulk didn't get angry or anything, only focused on her. Maybe seeing that she wasn't a threat to Branner and to him.

But Dark could see him beginning to change back as he stood up. Before he could, Dark stepped forward, forming a strongly shielded fist around hers. And with one swing, Dark knocked him out completely, causing Hulk to retract. Soon, there laid a defeated Bruce. He groaned, putting his hand in her face as he laid on his side.

Dark knew he never meant to hurt her or anybody else. He couldn't control Hulk and she understood, noting taking all his punches too personally. Dark stood by, peering down at Bruce until he glanced up and noticed all the damage on her face.

Dark broke their eye contact and looked over to see Stark approaching, still in his large suit. The top part of it, opened and revealed his face to her. His expression was a worried look, looking down at the amount of blood she was losing.

Dark glanced around, seeing some of the military was approaching and newscasters filming the scene. Filming her. She knew this would happen. Her identity would be unraveled in front of millions, broadcasted possibly all over the world.

She sighed, glancing back at Stark with a blank face before letting her forcefields take her away as she walked in the direction of the aircraft.


When Dark headed back to the ship before Stark and Bruce, everyone else was wondering what had happened to her face. She kept a straight face the whole time as she stated she was fine.

Thor, Clint and Natasha were all surprised she was talking. Cleaning herself up as everyone stared, she averted her eyes from them, focusing on getting the blood to clot.

Steve offered to help but got rejected. Dark didn't like feeling this vulnerable. Knowing the news probably got photos and the public took videos of her, she didn't want to think about it. Dark didn't want to see Stark.

Still being mad about what he called her, after she got her cut cleaned and her nose to stop, she laid herself on the ground, rested her cheek on her extended arm and closed her eyes.

The ache that her body was in was begging her to rest and soon she was in a dead sleep. The rest of the team didn't say anything, letting the girl rest as they waited for Burce and Tony to get back.

And when they did, Clint flew the aircraft while everyone else sat in silence. The night had set in and the moon lit the way. Bruce was in his seat in the middle of the ship. He would look over at Dark from time to time, feeling so much guilt rising up. Seeing the damage he did to her face, he hated himself for it. He was just getting to know her too. And he already started to assume he broke her trust.

Hill called in through the radio to report. "The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

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