Chapter 19: The Red Room Part 6

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Davina felt herself being moved to an angle as the guards tightened the ties on her ankles, wrists and neck. Already feeling fatigued, Davina kept a straight face the whole time while they rolled up her sleeves to incert a needle.

"Alright, Davina. Today we'll be trying something different. A new fluid. You might feel a little pinch so do not move. Understood?" Ms. Sidorov asked and Davina simply nodded. Ms. Sidorov is content with this.

Today, Ms. Sidorov wasn't being as harsh on Davina as usual which concerned her. But she couldn't think about that, she had to focus because today was the day she planned on escaping.

After testing and training, when she would be escorted back to her room, she'd sneak downstairs during post supper and leave. She believed she could fight but was skeptical about defeating the hundreds of guards that swamped the area.

She felt a pinch as the needle went through the skin but something felt off. Her body was vibrating as the fluid flowed through her veins.

Then she felt this sudden strength come over her, causing her to break through the tie downs and be set free. The guards and Ms. Sidorov froze and stood still. And Davina heartrate only sped up.

Heat waves washed over her as well as chills up her spine until a sharp pain in her neck stung her. She grunted loudly and looked at Ms. Sidorov for help.

She saw this and moved forward to her, she then took another needle and put it in her neck and only made it worse. "It hurts. Oh, it fucking hurts!" Davina shouted and Ms. Sidorov just stopped and stepped back, watching as Davina's body began to vibrate even more.

But then Davina screamed, her right eye started twitching and she realized a power source was colliding with her. A forcefield had appeared in front of her, protecting her from Ms. Sidorov and the guards. Surprised and stunned, Davina had to rethink her plan. She never knew she'd get these unexpected powers and they were going to change some things.

Lowering her hand, the forcefield vanished and the guards charged at her, only causing her to raise her palms again and the guards instantly flew back. Killing them as they violently hit the brick walls.

"Davina, that's enough!" Ms. Sidorov yelled but was thrown against the wall by Davina and didn't move or get up after that.

Breathy heavily, Davina got off the table and fled, seeing that the gaurds and Ms. Sidorov was down, she had to escape now.

When Davina made it up the stairs, she was stopped in her tracks by a familiar face. Seeing him. The man who killed her parents. The Wolf Spider. She clenched her fist and jaw before he did the same and charged at her.

Feeling the power in her muscles, no fear was needed.

Davina made the first punch and blocked his next, grabbing his closed fist, she twisted it and his arm, only to kick the back of his knees. He didn't fall but stumbled forward, letting Davina plan her next move.

Grabbing the Wolf Spider's arm from behind, she pulled and flipped him over her shoulder. He grunted and grabbed her ankle, dragging her along the floor as she tried to run off. Getting up, he pulled her foot off the ground, causing her to fall on her back and groan loudly. He tried to roll her over and cuff her, but using her other foot, she kicked his hand that gripped her other and again in the face. He let go and grunted out of pain, holding her nose that was now bleeding, leaving her to crawl away and get up.

Davina then dashed down the hallway after that and bursted through the doors, pulling them open, only to be hit with a cold wind, instantly seeing white. She huffed and saw her own breath float upward and turn into thin air. She wanted to experience this more but had to move, earring voices.

Just keep running, she told herself. The first few yards of the ground was freshly covered with snow as she ran through and into the forest. Gunshots echo from behind her, making her pick up speed. The back of Davina's neck aches every couple of seconds, its waves kept getting more and more painful as she ran deeper into the dark lands of what seemed to be endless trees. Pushing herself to keep going, she jumped over a fallen down tree. Her chest began to burn. The fluid she was injected with was slowing her down, draining her energy and causing her white blood cells to fight the virus that lurked in her system.

The piles of snow were getting taller and deeper, going further and further. Davina didn't look back once and eventually could hear nothing else but her pants. With the snow getting up to above her ankles, she had to jump out of each step. Kept licking her lips, even though the cold wind would dry them faster than she could blink, it was the only thing she could do.

Her neck ached with an intense amount. More than before, it made her pause for a moment. But she kept going, grunting out and seeing her hot breath floating through the freezing air. The dark forest felt like it was closing in on her as she ran. She pressed her hand against her neck, only to jerk it back. The fluid felt like it was burning her skin and going up.

She felt her body fighting it but being not enough. Her limbs were so weak now, she couldn't go on. She couldn't tell if she had snow in her eyes or that her vision was being blurred. She couldn't hear shouts anymore so that paranoia was gone for now. Her knees suddenly buckled mid-jog and she collapsed and fell deep into the thick snow. So deep she could see the surface a few inches above her head.

The sky was getting dark and the lost girl wanted to panic. Yet she felt herself getting tired. Exhausted. With her vision blurring even more, she closed her eyes. Hearing the echoes of a man's voice from a distance, Davina's body didn't react though. Her conscience was already going under. She felt her mind shutting off as the snow numbed her cheeks, and her mind began to shut off.

Death wasn't an assumption but was on the table. She wondered if she was going to wake up after this or stay asleep. Go into a coma. Or die. Right there on the spot from the cold.

She could only wonder. But for now, all she could do was rest and let her body shut down for the time being as she hoped to wake up somewhere better and safer. 

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