Chapter 7: Agent Dark

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Dark leaned against the sink as she cupped her hands and drank the water. She was rinsing out her mouth from the blood. But it felt like no matter how much she rinsed, blood would still be there. Red.

The thoughts. The memories. The nightmares. They all were taunting her. Their voices. Their shouts. Their grip that indented into her skin. Dark splashed her face with water, trying to make them stop but they kept getting more intense.

Dark's breathing quickened. Her heart began to race, feeling as if it would burst out of her ribcage.

The kids messed her up. They messed her up.

They made her take innocent lives. Her friends who were sisters. The place that taught her that sisters are forever. Lies.

Dark thought her trauma had been triggered out. Nothing could bother her about the past. But for the first time in years, a kid, a little girl, managed to break her.

Dark gripped the sink, lowering her face as the water dripped off her chin. She tried to get her breaths steady but nothing was working.

With her hands beginning to tremble, she reached for a towel and dried her face off. Slowly, she glanced up at herself in the mirror, hearing their voices echo through her mind.


"Shoot her now!"


"I don't want to!"

"Do you want a bullet between your eyes!"

"Shoot her!"


"This is punishment, Davina, shoot her!"

Dark held back a cry and let out a shaky breath instead. Clenching her chest with her hand, tried to keep quiet.

Kneeling down, she took a seat on the floor and brought her knees up to her chest. She stayed in that position until she felt her heart slow down. Pressing her mouth against her leg, she'd shut herself up every time she'd want to cry out.

Minutes passed and Dark finally calmed down, hearing the rest downstairs and talking. She tried to block out the kids' laughter, not wanting to relapse. Keeping her breathing in check, she stood up and took a moment before heading for the door.

Yet when she opened it, there revealed Bruce on the other side with worried eyes. Seeing that her's were still polished, Bruce asked, "Are you okay?"

Dark pursed her lips, averting her eyes from him. She knew she couldn't lie now. But she couldn't answer. Bruce was unsure if she didn't want him near her but going by how she was acting around him then, he assumed he didn't upset her too much. Notiy her silence, he rambled, "Look, if you're mad at me because of earlier, I totally understand-" she cut him off.

"Bruce, you're fine. I know you couldn't control it," she clarified, pulling the weight off his shoulders.

"Okay, so," he trailed off, trying to meet her eyes again. "what's going on?" He asked, concerned.

Connecting with his brown eyes, Dark bit her lip. She was deciding if she should tell him. Talk about her problemy with him since she said the most to him. With her hands on her hips, she breathed sharply through the nose before vaguely explaining.

"I just," Dark could feel her emotions coming back. She thought they had gone away and done their job, but they were still lurking in the shadows. Her voice cracked as she spoke to Bruce, getting more of his attention. "I wish those kids weren't here because..." she trailed off.

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