Chapter 16: The Red Room Part 3

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A year had passed and Davina was feeling more empty than ever. Without Greta, she didn't have anyone else. No one to joke around with. No one to share a smile. No one to eat bread with.

Davina couldn't sleep most nights after the incident. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Greta's scarred face and her pleading voice. Asking her why she did it.

The week after Greta's death, Davina didn't eat until the staff had to force her.

Over the months without her best friend, she became the best of the best in everything. Fighting. Ballet. Acting. Languages. Everything they taught them.

Everything was forming just how Ms. Sidorov wanted it to. And she was succeeding.

But Davina became stone cold. Showed no emotions, just focused on the goal. To finish her training. 

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