Chapter 11: Off

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"Affirmative, Agent Dark."

She nodded before crawling down to Ultron's feet. Stabbing out his jets for him to fly, she then pushed away before they hit the ground. Dark formed at the last minute and protected herself. As she pummeled, she then stood up. Dust arose from the crash, blocking her view of where Ultron was.

She wanted to move but her eye was twitching, making her groan. She tapped it and saw many things. "No." She said, trying to make me stop by hitting herself. "Stop it!" One slap to her face and it all stopped.

Walking out of the rubble, she got a clear view of where Ultron was heading. To an old structure with Thor.

She followed them, using her platform to run on for better traction. When there, she hid behind one of the walls to listen.

"You think you're saving anyone?" Ultron swung at Thor, causing him to fall back. Ultron caught him by his throat, hoisting him up. "I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that." He taunted him.

Dark glanced at the core next to them, seeing how close he was to it. She saw it in her vision and knew if he got his hands on the core, it was game over.

Thor noticed Dark and winked her way as she got into place.

Thor struggled but kept his ground. "I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast... I am running out of things to say! Are you ready?"

Dark lunged forward and protected Thor in time as Ultron had let go due to the impact he faced by Vision, swinging Thor's hammer. Ultron went flying through the wall and into a nearby building.

When Dark forcefield faded, she looked at Thor and gave him a wink, making him grin.

"It's terribly well-balanced." Vision comment, causing both Thor and Dark to look ahead.

"Well if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so..." Thor stated.

Hearing distant screams, Dark stepped up to see the people of the land fleeing for their lives. And outside in the air, she saw Fury's aircraft. She smirked to herself. But it faded when she watched Tony, Steve and the rest of the team trying to help the citizens get on the carriers.

"Thor, I've got a plan." Tony's voice came on the intercom, loud enough for her and vision to hear.

Thor answered, "We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor looked at Dark, "You think you could shield the core?"

Dark nodded, carefully getting on top of it and letting herself form protection around it. "Lady Dark, how powerful is your force?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." She affirmed and began her summoning. With her eye still twitching, she sat criss crossed on the core, closing her eyes to focus. Searching deep into her power and forming a thick forcefield around the core, she opened her eyes to see Ultron's army coming from all sides of the structure. But the rest of the team was fighting around her.

Dark raises her palms, making the force bigger and easier for her to hold.

"What's the drill?" Romanoff asked Tony. He turned to Dark, looking her in the eyes. "This is the drill." He pointed at the core. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

Dark felt herself float from the power she was creating. Full force, she kept going, pushing out her ultimate power of magic. She felt her chest tighten as her eye glowed brightly.

Thor yelled Ultron's way as he lowered to the ground, "is that the best you can do?"

Ultron then signaled all of his minion robots to stand alongside him. "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"

"... Like the old man said." Tony looked over at Steve. "Together."

Hulk roared, setting off every single one of Ultron's robots to run and charge at them. And together, together they fought.

And Dark protected. Keeping herself from getting distracted, she pushed harder, feeling loose and unsteady. Her neck wasn't feeling right. Neither was her eye.

Yet she couldn't help but think, she had to do her job. She had to kill him. It was and still is her destiny.

Seeing that the robots died down and Ultron was getting hammered, she let down her forcefield and jumped, using her platform to hoist herself up. She flew out of the structure and to Ultron. With the rest of the team still protecting the core, she took her chance in defeating Ultron herself.

With her blades in hand, she attempted to swing at him.

But her eye told her otherwise. 

I listened to the interstellar soundtrack while writing this and damn, it was intense. Made it so much fun, though.

Story questions:

Do you think Dark will fulfill her destiny?

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