Chapter 18: The Red Room Part 5

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2008 and 2009

She couldn't focus anymore. And her nerves were getting stronger.

Every single day of every single hour after training, Ms. Sidorov would take Davina down to the room to sterilize and inject her with more burning fluid.

She couldn't stop them because all she could do was struggle against the tie downs.

And after the experimenting, they'd bring her to a second room to test her abilities to improve her new skills. Strange skills.

They were atypical to her and to them.

Davina learned from Ms. Sidorov, who said that the rest of the girls, unfortunately, died during the testing, said they couldn't handle it as she could. This made Davina worry about the damage they were doing to her body. She wanted to ask about the fluids but again, was scared. She remembered when she first arrived at the Red Room, Ms. Sidorov told her never to question her. But she wanted to so badly.

"Ms. Sidorov?" Davina spoke up, causing Ms. Sidorov to flinches and slowly glances down at her. "What's in the fluid?"

Ms. Sidorov began to chuckle at poor Davina and eventually answered simply, "Oh Davina. There are just some things you'll never understand."


And she didn't because she never got her answer. All she had was to wonder about the damage those fluids were doing to her because every day after the testing, she felt different.

Her body would ache and her skin would peel, irritated. Every shower she would take, it'd burn her skin and dry it out.

Her chest would burn as well and crawl up her throat, making her violently cough up blood from time to time.

When Ms. Sidorov would see this, she wouldn't show pity but instead, show tough love. "Get up!" She yelled at Davina as she was on the floor, coughing while holding her chest. "Get up right now!"

Davina hurried off the floor and ran to her room as she continued to cough. No provided food or water, she suffered for the night, not getting any sleep.

And it began to be like that for the following two years.



Davina was changing and it was getting worse.

Ms. Sidorov slowed down the testing from every day to every other week. But Davina was getting fussy. No, more like reckless.

The fluid that was getting pumped into her veins was messing with her brain. She couldn't take it anymore. After all the death and loss that she suffered. Greta, gone. Her parents were killed before her eyes. And now, she was being forced to be tested on.

She's had enough.

So she started to make a plan for the next year.

To escape the Red Room. 

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