Chapter 20: Friend?

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Dark's mind kept going in and out of consciousness. She still saw white snow falling but then trees would come into her viewing from time to time.

She could feel a grip around her ankles and her shirt rolling up her back as the cold snow touched her bare skin.

She knew she was moving but couldn't move to get out of it and then fell back into darkness.


Davina felt her eyes move under the eyelids as her mind slowly came back to reality. She felt so heavy and exhausted that she found it difficult to wake up. Her vision was black but the feeling in her limbs came back and soon, dread crept in her chest.

She was on a cold table with her ankle and wrists tied down. Not in a tight strain but a loose grip yet not loose enough to slip her hands through. Then her eyes popped open to the sound of a clearing of the throat and they were instantly blinded by the beaming light coming from above.

She winced and squeezed her eyes shut again, irritation forming. But she opened them again with another sound that she couldn't make out. She could move her head up from the cold table but not that far as she winced again from a new pain or more so, a familiar.

Her neck ached badly, she wanted to comfort herself by grazing her fingertips against it but she couldn't, causing her to feel even angrier. But her anger vanished and turned back into fear when she felt a presence enter the room that she was just now noticing.

It was ... some sort of cave. The light from above lit up the place, revealing other tables filled with papers and notes, metals and tools. She spotted a pair of glasses and tried to focus in on them. Because of the corner of the glass, between where the bridge of the nose goes, was steam.

Possibly from... hot breath from the freezing, winter air.

"Oh good," her breath hitched by the sudden voice, "You're awake." Then a man in a long white lab coat appeared from the left of her. He had a thin Russian accent. With wide eyes, Davina eyed him with utter confusion and anxiety.

"I found you almost dead in the snow because of the cold, so I brought you here, fixed you up," the man said, cleaning off some tools that he placed on a tray, making a clinking sound when it touches the metal.

Her eyes stay on him, wary and scared. She tries to sit up but whimpers from more pain.

"Yes, I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's going to hurt for a couple of days. Osmium isn't made to be in contact with skin but with you, I'm sure it'll only burn for a few more hours." He finishes, coming around to her other side. He grabs and lifts her arm, looking at the veins, and sets it back down. "Very good. I wasn't certain if they'd turn red or not."

Her eyes widened at his words. Osmium? Red veins? Terrified, her body shakes and he notices. "Do not be afraid. I saved your life."

She eyes the man, staring daggers at him. "How can I trust you?"

"You can trust me because I saved you from dying. The stuff in your neck was killing your cells so I removed it."


"I removed and saved your life. Replaced it with herc."

"A herc?"

"Yes," he grins, "it keeps the injection from spreading more than it has already."

"So it's still inside me?"

"Yes, and it will forever be and will kill you if herc is removed."

She looks off to the side in shock with this information. The man says, "I am surprised you are not thanking me, girl. After all, I did create the herc out of my scraps in the cave here."

She only stares because she's stunned. She almost died from the Red Room and was saved by this unknown man in a dark cave. When the man wasn't looking, Davina attempted to jump off the table and land on her feet but managed to fall right on the shoulder, making her groan out.

She struggles to stand up, clenching her neck, the pain is severe and increasing. Her head feels bad and dizzy, so badly when the man comes into her view, she raises her hand and accidentally forms a forcefield to block him. She stands there, eyes wide as she sees the magic before her and the man is surprised as well.

"Good lord, what on earth is this? Is this from you? Are you a wizard?" He exclaims but the ringing in her ears gets louder and more irritating.

Ignoring him, she walks out of the cave and back into the snow. The cold immediately shivers her skin and makes it scream.

"Girl!" The man yells, "it's not safe out there!"

"I'll be fine!"

"What was that? That magic?"

A gust of wind blows against Davina making her freeze and standstill in the snow.

"Do you even know how to use it?" The man yells out and Davina doesn't answer, feeling as if the tip of her nose was already frozen. She looked up to see that it was a snowstorm coming, the winds were big and harsh. Her breathing hitched and shook with fear, not wanting to go back yet her body wanted to.

"The Red Room," he said, causing her to pause and slowly glance over her shoulder, "I saw your uniform," she then faced him fully, "I used to work there." He admits and Davina narrowed her skeptical eyes.

"But I rebelled against them."

Wary, she asked, "Rebelled how?"

"That serum they put in you, they did that to all their students and were killing them," his voice stern, "I wanted them to stop it in its process but they only made it worse by increasing the dosage. I tried to destroy the serum by blowing up the base with me in it but something went wrong and I had to run."

"So you're a coward."

"No, I'm rebellious. I am against them, you can trust me. You, you are their first to survive and that means, you're the specials. Those powers, you need to control them. So please, come back inside."

"So you think after that speech I'll come back inside?"

The man stands with his hands on his hips, waiting. "I know you're scared I'm gonna hurt you like they did. I know you are now traumatized because of them. I know you don't trust me yet, but you will. Because I'm all you have right now. You'll freeze to death out there. So please. I'm a friend who wants to help."

"A friend?" She questions and he nods.

"Yeah, a friend. Now come on, it's cold." He motions his hands for her, reaching out for her to take it. And she does.

Once back in the cave, the man lets her sit as he gets her a blanket.

The man takes her hand in both his hands and blows hot air into them, saying, "I'm Dima, by the way." he introduces.

The girl stares deep into his eyes as she feels herself getting sucked in by his nice self. "Davina." 

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