Chapter 3: Captured

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Dark eyes fluttered open by a sudden flashing of light. She squinted before adjusting, seeing a brown-haired man in front of her with a clipboard in his hands. Putting the flashlight down, he wrote down stuff on the board.

Dark glanced around, seeing they were in a white empty room. With feeling in her limbs again, she realized her wrists were chained to the wall while her waist was strapped to it.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at her hands, seeing them covered in metal with the handcuffs. She couldn't summon her telekinesis or forcefield control.

"Hey there, I'm Bruce, glad to see you're up and well. Sorry about the handcuffs covers but we took care of your wound. Made sure you didn't have any major injuries," Bruce said, taking notes on how she was reacting.

Dark could feel her old habits relapsing. Without Fury, she didn't feel as if she could speak her mind.

"I hope you don't mind that we did a scan and background check on you. We had to make sure you weren't a threat," Bruce started yet Dark reacted differently. She kept pulling on her chains in fear.

She knew she was faced with the Avengers but her body wasn't feeling the same sense of comfort.

Because her separation anxiety was kicking in.

"So it says here your name is Davina-" he stopped, hearing her suck in a sharp breath. She shook her head repeatedly while closing her eyes. "No? That's not your name?"

Whenever Dark heard that name, she has flashbacks to her torture days. The days in the Red Room. So she despised everything and anything related or associated with it.

"Okay, how about Dark?" Bruce asked and the girl nodded, seeming more calm this time. Bruce wrote down that her mood changes.

"Dark, can I ask you why you were here last night?" He pried and Dark felt her chest tighten. Am I being interrogated after trying to save them? She thought. Are you kidding me?

"It's a yes or no question, Miss Dark," he clarified to her and she lowered her head.

She needed Fury and wondered if he got her message.

"Hey," Bruce snapped his fingers in front of her face, causing the girl to flinch and meet his brown eyes again. "Kid, come on, pay attention. I'm only trying to get to the bottom of this."

Dark couldn't listen to Bruce though. She needed to get back to Fury. Tell him what happened. Find out the real future. Dark pulled hardest on the chains and soon busted one of them but not the metal that covered her hand.

The room fell quiet as part of the wall broke and fell to the floor. The girl watches as Bruce didn't move, just stared at her with focused eyes.

Dark then turned and faced away from him as she broke mentally. She couldn't hold the disappointment anymore. Her weak voice cracked, "I'm sorry, I failed you," she whispered.

Bruce watched in worry as the girl broke down and began to silently cry against the wall with her back turned to him. He heard what she said and was even more confused.

Bruce then backed away and left the room, giving the unstable girl some space to breathe and faced the team in the room next door.

And they watched the whole thing, the whole scene, the whole time. With Tony still staring at her crying from the window, Natasha, Steve and Clint leaned against the wall while looking Bruce's way.

"So what did she say?" Steve asked, standing up.

"Well," Bruce heaved out a sigh and leaned against the closed door. "I tried to ask her questions but she kept spacing out, not answering them. And the only thing she said was, 'I'm sorry, I failed you."

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