Chapter 9: Visions and Vision

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While Steve, Natasha and Clint went to go do the mission, Fury suggested that Dark go with him, Bruce and Tony.

Dark sat on the floor the last time she was on the aircraft while Tony and Bruce sat in actual seats and Fury flew.

Dark looked over at Bruce to see him already staring. "Feels weird being back in this position," she said.

"You can come sit over here to be more comfortable if you want," Bruce offered, pointing to the seat next to him.

Dark shook her head. "Thanks but I prefer the floor."

Bruce nodded and looked over at Tony, noticing he wasn't paying attention to her but simply looking out the window. "So, Dark," Tony suddenly started.

Dark internally rolled her eyes before glancing his way. "Yes, Stark?" She extended her legs out and leaned her back against the wall.

"Can you tell me why you came here?" He asked, so bluntly, Dark blanked on his question.

It surprised her so much, she froze. She wondered why he was asking this specific and random question out of the blue. And why did he care?

"Because I felt like I had to do my job."

"Yeah, right," Tony rudely commented. Folding his arms, he averted his eyes.

Dark narrowed hers at him and locked in her jaw. "You know Stark, you and I are not that different."

Tony let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I can respectfully disagree on that." He said.

Dark didn't want to further the conversation anymore so she dropped it. Getting up, she took Bruce's early offer and took the seat next to him. But in the moment of adjusting her position, her hair slipped out of place.

"Where'd you get that?" Bruce noticed and pointed. And Dark knew immediately what he saw, wanting to cover it back up, she didn't. Instead, she pulled back the hair more for him to examine it.

"The good person made it for me." Dark confessed, trying not to hide just when Tony was there as well.

"Really? Where?" Bruce asked, leaning forward.

Dark's mind flashed back to her life before working with Fury. "In a cave just like Stark," she finally said after pausing for a moment.

"Is it like an Arc Reactor like Tony's? What does it do?" Bruce questioned and she could feel his fingertips gliding along the material.

"It, uh-" she paused, hesitating to speak. For some reason, she didn't want Tony hearing this but she knew hiding it more from Bruce, who she seemed to be getting close to, was not the best decision. "It provence a certain fluid from entering my brain."

"What kind of fluid?"

"The same type of fluid that gave me these powers. Only this one could kill me with it's contained power in minutes. Lucky for me, an old friend now of mine, he made me this herc. It's made out of osmium," she admitted, looking forward.

"Where is this friend of yours now?" He asked and Dark's brain played games.

"Go! Run now!"

"I can't leave you here!"

She bit her bottom lip, lowering her gaze. Feeling two pairs of eyes on her the longer she took, she managed to say, "Heaven."

"Oh, sorry."

She shook her head. "It's okay. All he wanted was for me to find happiness and peace in this cruel world."

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