Chapter 2: The Mission

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Back at the base, Dark got the treatment she needed for her hand. The onboard doctors extracted the piece of glass and stitched up the cut before wrapping it up nicely.

Dark took some time to rest after the events of retrieving the scepter. She kept blaming herself for what happened and was now worried about future events.

Fury didn't bother her for a few hours, seeing the manipulative girl really messed with her head. But he stayed close.

When Dark first started working with him and not for him, she was a completely different person. She wouldn't talk out of turn, she was overly polite to everyone, whenever there was yelling or a miscommunication she'd leave the room.

The red room made her this way. Many people come out of the red room, extremely trained and emotionless. Not Dark, she came out still wounded from the trauma they put her through. Yes, she is highly trained and skilled but she still has feelings outside of her shell.

When she first encountered Fury, she behaved too well. He fixed her so she could speak her mind, do what she wanted. But those lessons only worked around him. Others who worked for him didn't feel comfortable around them.

And Dark was with Fury at all times. She had a bit of separation anxiety so she stayed with him. And he didn't mind. He understood her needs and habits.

Fury looked at his watch and sighed.

He didn't want to push her at first but the clock was ticking and they both knew they couldn't waste it.

And Fury knew what she saw in the future wasn't sitting well.

Fury entered the empty conference room and took a seat at the table. Dark was on a laptop, typing away. "The avengers are now in procession of the scepter, Agent Dark. What does the future hold?" Fury asked.

Her eyes glanced up at him for a moment before bringing her hand up. "This is all my fault. If I could have avoided the manipulative girl and went faster, this- all this-"

"But you didn't, Dark." Fury claimed and Dark looked up. "What happened, happened. There's nothing you could've done."

Dark heaved out a sigh, running her fingers through her hair. "He's coming. For the avengers." She said, tapping her temple.

Fury intertwined his fingers together. "And what do you see?"

She exhaled slowly through her nose. "I see myself there. Fighting him for them and ...." Her breath hitched. "Dying after he does," her face in her hands.

"Are there any other options you can take?"

She shook her head. "I'm only seeing this one." She again heaves out a sigh. "I'll take extreme measures. To destroy Ultron."

When Fury studied Dark's powers, her future vision was the most important one of them all. She helped him with future missions all the time but the name "Ultron" wasn't new to them.

Dark can only see days ahead in the future but once she saw "Ultron" and told Fury right away.

She didn't see the timeline, the date, or who else was there. Only Ultron and her.

Fury kept note of that and recently, he's been coming up more and more. So they both could only assume he was a future threat to Earth.

"You think you're up for that kind of mission?" Fury asked.

Dark bit her bottom lip before letting it go, making a popping noise. "Even if I had other options, this event would still happen. And If it means risking my own life for Earth's mightiest heroes, it would be my honor, Fury," she stated, confidently.

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